Monday, January 12, 2009

You Prepare a Table Before Me

. . .In the Presence of My Enemies

God provides special moments-just for us-when circumstances that could tear us apart or hem us in. Someone complements us on how we look. We receive a phone call from a friend who knows we have transportation problems. She offers to pick us up to go to a meeting or to the hospital to sit with a friend’s family. Or an unexpected package arrives with all sorts of nice cookies and candies and gadgets just for us and our family. Someone compliments us on how we look. They notice our new outfit. They notice we are losing weight. These moments are special because the initiators don’t know we might be experiencing a tough time-no one except us, God and his adversary.

God leads us into a personal Bible study that transforms our minds and our thinking and then the way we react to certain stressful incidents touching our lives.

God places our names on the hearts of these people who care about us because He loves us. Our friends are vessels for His blessings. When we face a trial, God assures us He will provide something to help us through the harsh time-even when the enemy is at work on us.

God does this out of His goodness.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    I could write a book about these kind of "God moments." (Maybe I will someday.)

    This week alone, the Lord raised up a defender to prevent a layoff, and provided a trainer to help me with a new workout plan.

    Susan :)


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

Wait, Renew, Mount

  But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount  up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, ...