Friday, November 20, 2009

Thank You, God, for our Children

Thank You for our children, they are Your gifts to us. They come to us so small and helpless. We provide nourishment and care for them and watch them grow. When they are sick, You are there beside us as we nurse them to health. We all have those memories of what they said or did that brought smiles to our faces. We hope their cute deeds also brought a smile to Your face. Their achievements, first word, first step, first tooth, all go into their baby books.

Please guide them as they mature and try to make their way in this world. Instruct them if they head for danger. Keep them from making mistakes that will change their lives forever. We see that more and more as we walk through this world. Please keep them safe.


  1. Amen. This is beautiful and echos my prayers for my children even to this day.

  2. Amen! How many children do you have?
    Audience of ONE

  3. Oh, Cecilia, this was such a good post for me today as my 21-year-old son and I had a little "discussion" about housework.

    Sigh. Thank you, dear one. And thank You, Father, for providing the right words at the right time.

    P.S. Let me know, truly, if you like Bayou. It's not for everyone!!!!!!



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