Friday, January 15, 2010

Looking on the Heart

“ . . Man looks at the outward appearance,

but God looks at the heart” 1 Samuel 16:7 NIV

How often do we look at a person and only see the disheveled clothes, the dirty unruly hair, the scuffed up shoes? How do we react? Do we befriend them? Treat them with kindness? Or do we ignore them and go on our way thinking unkind thoughts about their circumstances?

What would Jesus do? He met a blind beggar, named Bartimaeus. Christ healed him. One of the women in a crowd had a longstanding sickness. Our Lord told her that her faith made her whole. When he met the demonpossessed man, Jesus restored his sanity.

What can we do? The choices are endless. God can help us decide the way we can positively help one of the homeless, someone less fortunate, or someone with a temporary setback.

In each person Jesus met, He saw past the outer façade and saw their hearts. We are to emulate our Lord in all we do. In order to do this, shouldn’t we follow his lead and look past the external?


  1. Thanks for reminding me of this, Cecelia. You always go to the heart of issues, rather than skirting around the outer edges. Good for you!

  2. If only we COULD see other people's hearts! Since we can't we have to trust our Father's heart to guide us in relating to all kinds of people, don't we?

    Thanks for the reminder, QS. Still praying.


  3. I sadly admit that messiness can cause me to look away. I need to work on that and not just support through financial offerings.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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