Wednesday, January 1, 2014

In God’s Presence


"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, 
who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord.”
 Psalm 89:15

The act of praising God is a learned response. As we learn of his goodness to us, we feel the need to give back to God. We don’t say “praise the Lord” to impress those around us. We say it because we feel thankful to Him for what He has done for us in our time of stress- emotional, as well as financial- a need, or physical illness.

As we go through life, we walk paths assigned to us. We are not alone as we are on our path, God is with us. Even when our ‘path’ diverts to trying circumstance, God’s presence makes those circumstances easier for us to get through them. However, we don’t have a pass that allows us a life with no problems.

As an experiment, we should mentally ask God if any person we pass in our daily activities- grocery shopping, going into the pharmacy to pick up something, getting gasoline, people we deal with in our jobs- needs to be in His presence.We might find that those people we see are dealing with deep hurts or an illness of a close family member. Then, we should add that person or persons to our prayer list. By doing this, we take those people into the presence of God.



  1. I love your thoughts about praying for people we may pass on the street or in the store. I find myself doing that often. It helps me to think more about others and less about me. It also helps to keep the critical thoughts at bay. Sometimes we are too quick to criticize rather than recognize a person in need of God's loving touch. It's something I've been working on. Thank you for this reminder. Blessings to you and yours today.

    1. Pam:Thank you for your kind insightful comments.

  2. May I quote you in my blog on "Closed Doors, Open Windows"?

    1. Thank you! I did already...check out my blog for see it.

  3. One of my favorite verses and as always, I love the way you share insightful and powerful truth in concise posts, my dear, Cecelia! Thank you!

    1. Dawn, thank you for the warm comments. We have at least 5" of snow on the ground. So, we are trying to stay in. Hubby had to go out for a while but has decided he needs to stay in

  4. I agree; His praise should continually be in our hearts and mouth as He has done so much for us. Thank you for this reminder. :) I love the picture you chose to use with this.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Karen. I always liked seeing this picture in the sky. I always felt that, when I saw that sight, whatever I was concerned about would turn out all right.

  5. Hi, Quiet Spirit:

    What you say rings true regarding the different types of prayers--prayers of praise, adoration, and supplication. We seem to remember the last one most, huh? Your post reminds me of a wise saying I've heard: "We must seek God's face, not only His hand."

    Have a blessed New Year!

    1. Janette: In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God tells us to seek His face. Yes, we have times when all we pray about are our perceived 'needs'.Happy New Year to you and yours.


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