Monday, May 26, 2014

Some Pictures of the Weekend 5/26/2014

Teddy and Cindy Lou in our rock garden.

Veteran's Tribute Sculpture at Church
The man who heads up this project.

The cross for one of our county's fallen soldiers.

The cross for one of the fallen from Indianapolis
A close up of the flags in the Memorial Day Rememberance
(My son took this last year when he was home.)

As seen from the intersection (3X a year)
Our side yard. 'Pansies at the Pump."       


  1. Great pictures, Cecelia. I especially like the one your son took with all the flags.

    Happy Tuesday, friend!

    1. Rhonda: Thank you for the warm thoughts. He got down on his belly to get this picture. He used to be very active in taking photos, At one time, he wanted to get into landscape photography, He was home last year over the week of Memorial Day.

  2. It's nice to see a little part of your world. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures! Love the pansies around the pump!

    Have a blessed week! :)

    1. Thank you for your well wishes. I ask the same for you.

  3. I think my first comment got eaten by blogger so I will comment again. :)

    It's great to see a little part of your world. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures! Love the pansies around the pump!

    Have a blessed week!:)

    1. Karen: Thank you for your kind thoughts. That pump was on the 'farm' where Hubby grew up. He was down there shortly after we moved to our house and found it. Someone had pulled it out of the ground and had thrown it into the creek bed that ran through the property. He loaded it into his truck and brought it home. Someone once asked me if it was connected to a well.:)

  4. Aloha Cecelia,

    Thanks for stopping by and it looks like you had a quiet and peaceful Memorial Day Weekend - which is the way it should be, in my humble opinion!

    PS... thanks also for the extra info on Col. H.W. Weir... it was so random that I took a picture of his grave stone - and yet several people have mentioned him to me...

    God works in mysterious ways :)

    1. Thank you, Mark, I prefer quiet and peaceful weekends.Hubby and I decorated some graves of family members on Friday.Saturday, I attended a graduation open house for one of the girls at church. The church has a shelterhouse on the property. Different people use it for graduation parties, the church has cook-outs once a month each summer. Our Easter Sonrise service was out there this year.

  5. Thank you,Linda. I believe this is your first time to visit my blog. Thank you for stopping in.

  6. I especially like the pump picture. :)

    1. Thank you, Susan. It is special to us. Read what I told Karen about if, if you haven't already.I pray you have a blessed weekend.


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