Monday, April 6, 2015

RJD: Grace and Peace—April 2015

Journal Entry 10/18/2010

“Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the 
knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ.”
2 Peter 1:2 (NIV)

Grace  God’s unmerited love for us, our receiving something we don’t deserve, comes to us as a gift when we ask Jesus into our hearts.

the presence and experience of right relationships—is a desire, a goal and a gift from God. True peace belongs to those who turn away from their sin and ask the Father’s forgiveness.

               Peter tells us we can have these gifts in abundance when we have an intimate relationship with God through His Son.

               I need to possess these qualities in my life as I write for Him, as I live for Him, and as I communicate with other people.

               I desire God’s help in the way I present myself, especially when I face circumstances not of my choosing—the harsh ones.

UPDATE: While we were clearing out our living room for repainting and new carpet, I came across this old journal. I believe it is one I did when I read “Write His Answer” by Marlene Bagnull. I say this because the majority of the entries have a paragraph that starts with the phrase, “As one who writes for Him . . . .”

               I have enjoyed re-reading some of the entries. I intend to continue rediscovering what I believed were my responsibilities to Him at that time as I try to regain what I feel I may have lost over the years.


  1. Oh, a great reminder, Cecelia! The blessing of our journals is that we can revisit and gain fresh insights.Or be reminded that we are still learning...and some lessons are worth revisiting again and again.

  2. Dawn: Sometimes I need to be reminded of what I have learned or needed to learn. When I read from my old journals, I get to reflect on where I have been and how far I may have come. The exercise also tells me if I have neglected some things.

  3. My husband and I have been discussing God's grace lately. Where would we be without it? Hope you have a great week! :)

    1. Karen: Thank you for stopping in. I shudder to think where I would be without God's grace. Blessings on you and yours.

  4. Cecelia- I like how you define these words for yourself. Words that I take for granted, but so need in my life! I am glad you found this journal...I am going to look up that book about writing for's easier to lose my focus in this gift of writing...I know he is affirming yours by bringing this journal back into your life.

    1. Kel: Thank you for stopping by. The title of the Book is "Write His Answer" . I heard Marlene Bagnull speak at a writing conference about six years ago, I need to re-read the book.

  5. I love this also..."as one who writes for Him"....sounds like a good book to read as well. How wonderful that you rediscovered this journal...we are all looking forward to hearing more from it in the future! Thank you for sharing with us in the midst of your project!

    1. Pam: Thank you for your lovely comment. We have almost got the project done. We have one wall that needs some adornment. (I was told I could purchase something new for this spot.) The book is a devotional book for writers. I believe I will start using it again in addition to the one I am using now. We met our son last week in the town he has chosen to live in. His furniture is scheduled to arrive today.


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