Saturday, November 24, 2012

Creation Museum and Unplugging

Seven "C's"in God's Eternal Plan - Creation,Corruption,Catastrophe,
 Confusion, Christ ,Cross ,Consumation

As I prepared for drama practice this morning, I realized I hadn't posted my pictures from my trip to the Creation Museum. What am I saying? I hadn't uploaded them to my laptop. Here are some of the better pictures from that day.
Adam and Eve on one of their walks in the garden.
There are signs like this throughout the  path  through the areas.
Imagine walking through Noah's Arc.
They have a huge replica of  it that people can walk through.

Because of some commitments with the upcoming Christmas play and the desire to get things done for Christmas,in my home and for my blog,  I will be unplugging from this blog until December 3rd.


  1. Hi Cecelia! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. I would love to visit the Creation Museum! ALso hope you will join our next RJD link on December 7th! Hugs!

  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures! Have a good break!


  3. fun photos!
    yes...I hear you..busy times her too.
    enjoy your blog break!

  4. I've heard of this museum, but we've not made the trip out there yet. I'll bet it was great!

    Enjoy your break. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing the pictures, Cecelia. Enjoy your break!

  6. Cecelia:

    Thanks for posting these pictures. I've heard of the Creation Museum, but have never visited. That picture of Noah's Ark in particular is incredible. It really brings the imagery of the flood and the ark home.

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying preparing for Christmas! Blessings...


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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