Monday, June 10, 2013

Free Indeed

“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said,
‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the truth and the Truth will set you free.’’’ 
John 8:31-32
“’So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’”
John 8:36(NIV)

Jesus speaks to those Jews who profess their belief in Him. He tells them if they follow His teachings, they are truly His disciples.
When we in the 21st Century allow Jesus’ teachings to guide our lives, we also are truly His children and are free.
The Master tells those listeners they learn the truth and that truth will set them free. In verse 36 He confirms this thought. I visualize Jesus standing before the crowd and making his point by emphasizing the important words. It would look something like this: “So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
We have times when we wonder if we have the right thoughts and attitudes. It helps us to look at things with God’s eyes rather than ours. Whenever there is an issue in our lives we have to look at it as the LORD sees it.

When we do this we gain spiritual freedom.  



  1. Hi Cecelia! Nice to meet you here. I am a Cecilia too!
    I like the reminder to try and see with God's eyes, which I think is with love, patience and trust. Those can always use some work with me. But I know he likes it when I try.

    Peace in Christ,

  2. Thank you,Ceil, for stopping by my blog. When we learn to look at different situations with His eyes, we feel His presence and know He will guide us through the rough times.

    Please feel free to stop in when you can. I usually post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

  3. "Free indeed." I like that. A lot.

    And we know it's true because He said it.

    Waving and smiling,


    1. Hi, Rhonda. Thank you for stopping in. I'm thankful that Jesus told us we would be free indeed. We have a lot to thank Him for.

  4. Free indeed! Now, if we could only learn how to maintain that freedom... we let the enemy rob us from our freedom too often.
    Great post, thanks Cecelia.

    1. Marja; You are so right. We allow the enemy to cause us to stray from God and His freedom. Thanks for stopping in.

  5. Hi Cecelia -

    Oh - great scripture! A friend is fond of saying, "Look at it from God's perspective."


    1. Susan; Thank you for stopping by. When we do look at things from God's perspective, we see things in a better light, we see things as He sees them.


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