Friday, June 7, 2013

Ask, Seek, Knock RJD June 7, 2013

Ask, and it will be given to you;
 seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7

A little history: In 2010, I received a journal as a gift. At the bottom of each page was a scripture. The scriptures reappeared every so often throughout the journal. Each time a scripture appeared I found myself looking at the message differently. I thought it would be neat to look some of the different messages I received about this passage.

Ask God wants us to seek His will for our lives. He can give it to us, but if we tell Him and don’t ask, we would expect Him to perform at our insistence.
Ask “You have not because you ask not.” God wants us to ask for forgiveness. He expects us to realize our wrong doing. God who is aware of our needs, from time to time desires us to bring our wants to Him!
Given God owns everything. He lends us what we need in order to live. He does this out of His great love for us, His children.
Given God gives us all we have and all we are. When we surrender our lives to Him, He gives us eternal life-life with Him. As we learn to pray, He bestows us with wisdom. During our times of distress, we call out to Him, He answers with His presence and comfort. In times of uncertainty, we go to His Throne and he makes a gift of his strength. All these things are to help us; yet we can’t purchase them. Jesus already paid for them and gives them to us freely because we believe in Him.
Seek search for diligently, leave no stone unturned. Have you ever lost something—a precious piece of jewelry or a favorite book? We search high and low for it. It’s like we have to find that item or “we aren't going to be the same.”
Find discover.

Knock: let another person know you are willing, present, and waiting.
Knock: Take the initiative; if you are wondering about someone, call that person. If you have an item to share with someone who has a need, contact him or her. Let people know you care.
opened Positioned where one can enter; not closed.
opened. Receptive, welcoming.


  1. I have a journal like that Cecelia, and I agree, I never got tired of the repeating scriptures. They were new all the time!

    1. Thank you, Marja, for your kind thought. We can read a scripture many times and then read it again and get a different slant on what it means and how to apply it to our lives.

    2. I agree with both of you! I love scripture verse journals!

  2. Hi Cecelia, thank you so much for taking the time to link up and share your precious thoughts with us at the link up! I so appreciate your quiet, consistent voice that gently draws out sweet truths that are so grounded in grace!

    1. Thank you, Dawn. It's humbling to know that God uses my words to speak to people.


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