Monday, April 20, 2015

His Great Promises

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises,
 so that through these you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption
 in the world caused by evil desires.” 2 Peter 1:4 (NIV)

               God gives us promises—eternal life, peace, and His presence in order that we may become godly and not get caught in the trappings of the secular life caused by selfishness, egotism, vanity and pride.

               We sometimes fall into the trap of “me”-isms—“What’s in it for me? What do I get out of it?” As followers of Christ we learn not to think of ourselves better than we are. We learn to live by the Golden Rule. When we ask ourselves “What Would Jesus Do,” God’s word reminds us that Jesus always put others before Himself. He healed the sick at times when He was needed some alone time with His Father. He forgave the woman caught in adultery without saying one word about her sin. His parting words were “Go and sin no more.”



  1. "Me-isms" , Yes, I am sometimes guilty of takes a daily effort to put Jesus and others first in my life, and not just think about "me". Thank you for this reminder. I am ashamed to say that I needed it.

    1. Pam: We are ALL still human. By this, I mean we all have our moments of "me-ism." Blessings on you and yours.

  2. I have been guilty of this Me-ntality.

    1. Jeanette: If we all were to be perfectly honest, we all would have to say that we have been guilty as well.

    2. I am also a big Me-er :) But the older I get, the more wise I (hopefully) become and it's so very nice being there for others - and not thinking so much about myself!

    3. Mark: I believe we all have been a subscriber to the "Me-ism" mode of operating. You aren't old enough to remember the 1960's but that was one of the prevalent ideas. It is still present in today's world. I have a friend who recently injured her back because she was moving furniture around. She couldn't find anyone to do it, unless the wanted something out of it for themselves.


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