Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Make Every Effort

“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness;
 and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control;
and to self-control, perseverance, and to perseverance, godliness.”
2 Peter 2:5(NIV)

               Our faith consists more than belief. The demons believed in the existence of Jesus. (See James 2:19) We are to live out what we believe. Because we know in our hearts that Jesus died for our sins, we attempt to live our lives without sinning. We study God’s words and apply the messages to our hearts.

               When we take God’s message into our hearts and minds, we learn to maintain balance with what he expects from us. We also learn to continue our advancement on the path chosen for us no matter the stresses we encounter. As we walk with God, we become more like Him.

               As me mature in Christ, we see these qualities come to life in others and ourselves. We learn to stand firm for our beliefs. We know that Jesus died for our sins. We keep plodding along, when the way seems rough. And we reflect God.


  1. Thank you for bringing this verse to my attention today! Self-control is a virtue I am focusing on in my obedience to Christ currently!

    1. Lynn: Thank you for stopping in. God wants to have all of us. I have come to understand that faith is a basis of all we are. These attributes are outgrowths of our faith. Feel free to stop in anytime you can.

  2. Always good to remember that we are the only Christ that others may ever see...and we want to represent Him accurately to the world, always with love. Sometimes it is difficult because others don't treat us the way we'd like to be treated, but if we remain steadfast and Christlike in our may just make a difference in how we are treated. Thank you for this reminder today.

    1. Pam: We have to let God be in control, even when we are mistreated. Blessings to you and yours.

  3. Hi Cecelia! You are right, even the demons know Christ. We have to do more than that. I hope I continue to mature in Christ, so I can be more like Him, and live like Him too.

    1. Ceil: You have expressed the hope of a lot of us who walk with Him. Blessings to you and yours


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