"As far as the east is from the west. . . ." Psalm 103:12
The first thing God does when a person comes to Him is to forgive our sins–ALL our sins. He doesn't place them in another section of our hearts for later use. He removes them from our memory, as well as from His. He deletes them.
He removes our bad feelings. Our God carries away the evil thoughts we have. El Shaddai takes away the need we feel to say suspect things. The Lord captures any motive we may have to do harmful things to another person.
In place of all these sinful deeds he deposits His grace–His unconditional love. He offers it to us but we have to be open to receive it.
“As far as the east is from the west,. . . .” is a very great distance. We should thank Him for this merciful act.
Amen! You can't get any better than that, QS.