Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thank You, God, for Life

You, came so we would have life to the full. Thank you. You are the Author of life. When we were still in the womb, You saw us, You formed us. You breathed life into us. Thank you for doing this for each of Your children. You gave us health.

Thank you for our well being, no matter what we face. Please let every one of Your children learn to value life, no matter how small. Help us to teach our children the value each life has.

We are so grateful for all You do for us. We honor you for your many deeds and gifts You bestow upon us.


  1. He paid a debt He did not owe; we owed a debt we could not pay. Thank you Lord, for the sacrifice You made for us in giving us life and salvation. Great post, Cecelia:) Happy Thanksgiving!


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Wait, Renew, Mount

  But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount  up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, ...