Friday, June 4, 2010

God’s Focus or Our Focus

For the Lord will not cast off for ever:

But though he cause grief, yet will he have

compassion according to the multitude of

his mercies. Lam. 3:31-32

There are times in our lives where we experience events that don’t turn out as we believe they should. When these happen, we can be devastated. We didn’t get the promotion or the job we thought we deserved. We wanted something nicer than what we received for our birthday. A friend has a burden that he or she doesn’t deserve.

We tell someone about the bad feeling we have. “I should have gotten that. . . because. . . .” What we don’t always realize is that God may have other plans for us. Maybe that promotion could bring more stress into our lives. That job you want might not be what He has in mind for you. Your friend may grow in his or her faith because of the circumstance he or she is in.

We might even argue with God. “But, God. . . I would be perfect for that position.” “God. . . I could do that job better than the one who’s doing it now.” “God, why did you let my friend go through this?” When we debate with God we show selfish pride. We also disrespect God.

Those around us suffer physical or emotional hurts and we react. We say things purely from our point of view. Like the friends of Job, we open more wounds for the victims. They become more confused due to our misguiding them. There again, we are operating from what we want to say.

But when we follow the Lord, we belong to Him. We view all events and happenings through His eyes. He becomes our guide in how to think. We learn to react to stimulus as He desires.

The process of changing our focus is a part of sanctification. Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, sets us apart from our past habits and points of view to allow us to reflect

Him. It is our job to yield to the workings of the Holy Spirit. It is His to change us into who we are to become.


  1. Good advice! I am thankful that He is patient with us through this process. Blessings to you and your readers for a good weekend,

  2. This is so true, my dear. I've often looked back and thanked the Lord for some of the times He said "no." He knows more than I do.

  3. My pastor spoke today of things promised, but their fulfillment is in the future. Abraham waited many years prior to the promise he would have a son by Sarah.

    Susan :)


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