Friday, September 17, 2010


Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness

and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

I find verbs to be interesting. Recently, I did an exercise with the verbs in the mission statement of the nonprofit ministry I volunteer with.

We learned in grade school that verbs were action words. Except for the verbs of being, all of them give us a mental picture of action taking place.

In the scripture above, we see the word “seek”. This word reminds me of when I have lost something and I begin to look for it. I wear a very special dinner ring. It has sentimental value. The top, shaped in the word love, came with a garnet that filled the letter “O”. The garnet is my son’s birthstone. I remember losing the ring a few times. One time, I retraced my steps at home, even asked the pastor of the church I had started attending if it was found.

I went to so far as to write out notices for the bulletin boards at work; I also posted one on the mirror in the ladies’ restroom. I did find that little white gold dinner ring but not until I searched everywhere.

Yes, in order to receive the good things of God we have to search for His rule in our lives and what He wants us to do.


  1. It really makes you think, how hard are we seeking Him? Something good to meditate on.
    Thanks and blessings,

  2. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    To me, the word, "seek," speaks of hunger for God. We yearn to know Him better and do His will.

    Thanks for another thoughtful post.

    Susan :)

  3. I love this post, dear friend. I can see you hunting for your precious ring that means so much to you, even asking others if they'd found it. Just like God seeks us when we're lost, never giving up until He's rescued us.
    Then when He finds us, we turn around and seek after Him!


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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