Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When God Speaks

“Then I heard the voice of the

Lord saying, “Whom shall I send?

And who will go for us?” Isaiah 6:8 (NIV)

Does God speak to His people today as He did in Biblical times? Sometimes He does.

A fleeting thought can be God speaking to our hearts. We recently had the husband of one of the lady’s at church pass away. On that day, his name came to my mind several times. I did not know this man. I did know he had been in the hospital and they couldn’t find a diagnosis. The day before he passed away, his daughter told the church that he had been diagnosed with Cancer a few days earlier.

God can speak through others to get our attention. A blogging friend e-mailed me and asked me if I was going to attend a writing conference that meets just down the interstate from my hometown. Then, this past week a friend from church asked me if I was going to attend it. She might be interested in going with me. As of this writing, I am unsure if I am able to attend.

We have times when what God tells us to do is totally not anything we would do. I got involved in Drama Ministry at church because I felt God leading me. I don’t believe it is my nature to portray the characters I have. This past Mother’s Day, I portrayed the President, I can claim to be the first woman President of the United States . In the summer of 2009, I played a “motorcycle mama” whose husband and two kids were asked to attend church with another family.(I have a picture of my alter ego) But, I couldn’t have done that unless I chose to let God lead.


  1. I would like to see you as a motorcycle mama!

    I agree, I believe God speaks to us, and in many ways.


  2. How amazing, QS! You're letting the Holy Spirit lead you out of your comfort zone and into the will of God.




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