Friday, October 15, 2010

Our Agendas

“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this

or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.

Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will,

we will live and do this or that.’” James 4:13-14a, 15

I recently heard a lady say she had designated her day off from work as a day devoted to the nonprofit ministry she directs. She told us she hadn’t been able to do what she had intended for the ministry. God brought several positive things to light as the year has progressed. It seems He was leading them and providing for the ministry’s needs even though they weren’t able to complete certain plans made earlier in the year.

The next day, I found the scripture above in my e-mail, sent to me as a meditation. God certainly speaks to us as we walk with Him.

God communicates with me like that. I walked out to our car this afternoon. As I opened the driver side door, I noticed a ‘for rent’ sign in the yard straight across the street. I remembered the house has two bedrooms. I don’t know who I was thinking about but the daughter and son-in-law of one of my best friends came to mind. I called my friend who said she’d tell her kids about it. I wouldn’t have seen it except Hubby wanted some ice cream and had me go get it.

He places us in situations so we can learn things. He guides us as we go through our days. We have to let Him be the one who instructs us in our daily lives.


  1. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    When we get to heaven, I think we'll be surprised at the many times God intervened in our lives.

    Susan :)

  2. Oh, I agree. God is nudging us all the time, but too often we're too busy to notice.


  3. Taking the time to listen to Him and His direction - we could avoid so many hiccups that way!

  4. Oh yes, this happens to me too. I have a piece of information at just the right time, or I hear something when I need it most. God is always there helping us.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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