Friday, December 17, 2010

Praise for the Small Things

“Let them praise the name of the Lord;

for his name alone is excellent;

his glory is above the earth and heaven.”

Psalm 148:13 (KJV)

Our capacity to praise God comes from deep inside our hearts. We all have something for which to praise Him. The smallest or most insignificant thing in our lives deserves our giving thanks for it.

We have times when we have to look for the silver lining. We sometimes have to ask God to bring something good out of a situation that seems bleak. No matter how small the kindness He does for us. We should give Him praise.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I so agree! We've had friends lose loved ones recently, a friend's son is in prison, and another one's wife left him with four kids to raise alone. We are more and more thankful for little things like health and faithful spouses.


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