Friday, January 7, 2011

Hope and Blessing

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,

and in his word I put my hope.”

Psalm 130:5 (NIV)

I serve on the board of a faith based nonprofit ministry. It was founded by a friend of mine. The ministry has been inexistence almost six years. I helped at a book bag distribution in 2007. At the end of 2009 my friend emailed me asking me if I would do their newsletters, one for the community and one for the families the ministry serves.

Just a few days before she asked me, I told the Lord I missed doing a newsletter. I had done the one at our former church. God answered my prayer. This will be the third year I have served in this capacity.

At the ministry’s annual planning meeting last February, we were asked to think and pray about the vision for the work. The director had some ideas for where she wanted to see the ministry be in one year, five years and ten years in the future.

We prayed for God’s leading and guidance as we planned fundraisers to help meet needs those in our focus group have. We had to cancel some of our projects. Our city canceled its 4th of July Midnight Parade Where we were planning to have a booth selling concessions. One of our rummage sales got rescheduled twice before it happened.

A little over two month ago, my friend who founded the ministry shared with the board that her employer, a healthcare facility (nursing home), was making a calendar to sell in the community. They asked the residents to participate by posing in pictures taken at various businesses in the area. The powers that be called my friend into the main office and told her nursing home couldn’t keep the money made from the sale of the calendars and the decision was made to give that money to the ministry.

Our director has said several times that this ministry is God’s ministry. He has blessed it in several ways this past year. This calendar sale is from God and again proves His goodness to those whose hope is in Him.


  1. Isn't it wonderful how God works? I was just writing today about how He always sends in His helpers at just the right times. Amazing. That's our awesome God.


  2. I love that verse! I hope you had a beautiful Christmas season!
    Thank you for your conitnued support and kindess.
    love, Heather

  3. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    How wonderful the way God provided the ministry's needs! I've seen Him in action with the ministry of a friend in my local area.

    Susan :)

  4. Hey, I just came across your blog by doing a bit of blog-surfing and I'm glad I did! I've added myself as your newest follower, and I hope you'll check out my Christian devotional site as well:

    Have a blessed day!

    In Christ,

  5. I love it when the Lord does things like this. It proves He is thinking about us every minute!

  6. We sing a song at church - "God is good, all the time..." And indeed He is.

    Blessings for a wonderful week,


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