Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Matthew 25:31-46

Here's the second sample.

Separating Sheep from Goats
 Read: Matthew 25:31-46

“All nations will be gathered before Him.

And he will separate people one from

another as a shepherd separates the sheep from

the goats. He will put the sheep at his right hand

and the goats on his left.” Verses 32-33 (NSRV)

Each person on earth, believer or non-believer, will be called before Jesus when He returns. He will base His judgment on how well we treated others- the poor, the hungry, those ill, the ones imprisoned.

How do we address the ones with needs? Do we take the time to care for them or do we ignore them and hope their needs will go away? Or do we wish them well and go about our business?

Each time we send a card, pray with one in need, visit someone ill or in jail, or provide food for someone who is hungry, God looks kindly upon us. When we don’t assist those in need or we neglect those around us who hurt, God becomes disappointed with us.

As His children, we want to please the Lord. We can do that when we study His Word and apply it to our hearts. Another way we please Him is to spend time with Him in prayer.

Father: Please show us how minister to those in need. Amen

1 comment:

  1. I just read another blog entry that had this same basic message. Must be something here for me to chew on...

    Thank you!



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