Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Blessing of Peace

“The Lord gives strength to his people;

the Lord blesses his people with peace.”

Psalms 29:11(NIV)

Have you ever received a gift that was very precious to you? I’m sure, we all have. For me, it was a dozen long stemmed roses from my husband for one of our anniversaries. What made it special was he had them sent to my work. This was a display of his love for me. Some of my coworkers teased me about it but the night custodian commented about them being “a gift from someone who was really in love.”

God, also, is very much in love with His children. He shows that love in many ways. He blesses us with gifts.

One of those gifts is peace. When we worry about particular issues we become bothered, upset, and even angry. Certain ones of us can become physically ill because of our having to confront these issues.

A friend of mine is dealing with Lung Cancer; she has heard the phrase ‘both lungs involved’, the word inoperable. She appears to have found peace with the thought that she has only a limited time left. While hearing these words and phrases cause most people anguish, she has her routine under control. She manages to remain calm and to smile. When we allow ourselves to approach God’s throne and give our problem over to the Lord, a refreshing feeling washes over our hearts. We call it peace.


  1. Our pastor says that peace is when we are free from mental agitation. That verse in Psalms is a favorite of mine. Thanks for sharing Cecelia.
    Have a good weekend,

  2. I'm glad we can trust Him in any situation and walk in His peace.

    Susan :)

  3. Karen:
    Thanks for your thought. We need to find peace for ourselves, first. Free from mental agitation is great. The world brings us so much to deal with.

    Blessings on you.

  4. Susan:
    We learn to trust Him more each day. Don't we?

    Praying for you as you travel to the conference.


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