Monday, August 29, 2011

God’s Peace

“The Lord gives strength to his people;

the Lord blesses his people with peace.”

Psalms 29:11 (NIV)

This verse describes what I believe has happened in my one friend’s life. God has made her strong. She and her sister were in worship service two days after being told she had Cancer. She smiled and responded when I reached across my pew to shake hands with her sister and her.

As I made my way back to my seat at the end of the time of greeting one another, I stopped to give her a hug. (Yes, we hug at my church.) She told me she would know more sometime the upcoming week.

As the congregation began a time of intercessory prayer, another friend came across the back of the Sanctuary, sat down beside this lady and held her hand. I reached around in back me to join in prayer for the one who faces this fearful diagnosis.

As I reflect on that day’s service, I am reminded of the peace she had in her smile and her eyes- a peace that only comes from the Lord.

I believe my friend is at peace with all this. I know she believes we serve an awesome God.


 Glenna H, who received this diagnosis, went to be with the Lord on August 11, 2011. She received divine healing-the best healing. My tribute to her is posted on .August 18, 2011


  1. Cecelia, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, yet grateful that she knew the Lord and is experiencing the wonders of heaven.

    God bless you, my friend.

  2. Jean:
    Thank you for your kind words. We all miss her. On September 18, or drama ministry will present a short play she inspired. About a year ago she handed me a scrap of paper with words she had scribbled. As she did this, she told me, "This would make a good skit." She was a jewel.

  3. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    We hug at our church too. :)

    Your friend handled her illness by God's grace. Having walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death with Beloved, I've seen and experienced that peace. It can only be described as supernatural.

    Susan :)

  4. Susan:
    I am thankful for the times that God has walked with me through that valley. What do people do who go through that experience without the Lord?


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