Wednesday, October 12, 2011

John Speaks Of The Holy Spirit

John Baptizing Jesus.

“I baptize you with water for repentance,

but after me will come one who is more

powerful than I, whose sandals I am not

fit to carry. He will baptize you with the

Holy Spirit and with fire.”

Matthew 3:11 (NIV)

John the Baptist spoke to the crowd of Pharisees and Sadducees. His words prophesied the importance of the One who would come after him, the Christ.

He tells those listening that Jesus is more powerful than he. John speaks for us all in this statement. We can not compare ourselves to Christ at all. We belong to Him because of His grace.

More importantly, Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to guide our lives until He comes again to rule the earth.

Jesus told the disciples He would send a Counselor to them. (John 16:7) He continues by speaking of what this Counselor will do. (John 16:13)

How often have we not allowed the Spirit of Truth to work out things in our lives?

When have we not followed His leading?

Why are we so disobedient?

What can we do to correct this pattern in our lives?

Dear God:

Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit into our lives. Please forgive us when we don’t heed Him. We ask that You guide us to a better knowledge of Your Spirit in order that others may see You in us. We give you all the praise. In the name of Jesus, we pray. AMEN


  1. I was asking for His counsel just this week while out walking one day. I love the fact that He IS our counselor.

  2. Rhonda:
    Thank you for your thought. I love it when God gives us what we need in the way of counsel. It's a moment in time when we can feel His presence and everything stands still.

  3. These are good questions to consider. Thank you for challenging us!

  4. Karen:
    You're welcome. I once heard the comment that the largest room in the world was room to improve. I feel we all have a need to grow closer to the Lord.


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