Monday, October 3, 2011

The Spirit of Truth

Jesus teaching the Disciples
“And I will ask the Father and He will send you another

Counselor to be with you forever-The Spirit of Truth

. The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him

nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and

will be in you.” John 14: 16-17

I get excited when I read this passage.

Sometimes life gets to be so humdrum. I waken; I rise; I might get a little housework done; then Hubby and I go out for a while. When we return I may have to run to CVS or to the grocery store. Interwoven in between all these mundane chores I find time to write or do research. In the evening, I might have a meeting or church. If I’m home I watch television. I sometimes forget that God is there working in my behalf. But these words of Jesus tell me something more.

“. . . I will ask the Father . . .” The Son of God thinks so much of you and me that He goes before His Father, the Creator of the universe, and presents our needs.

“. . . and He will send you another Counselor . . .” Our God permits someone else to enter our messed up world to guide us through these days.

“. . . to be with you forever-The Spirit of Truth” This Counselor will be with us at all times, will never leave us. He has a name; Jesus calls Him The Spirit of Truth. His name tells me He comes from God.

“The world can not accept Him . . .” Even in the 1st Century A. D., God knew the world would reject Him. It had already rejected the prophets and other representatives He sent.

“. . . it neither sees Him nor knows Him.” We hear people say our world is imperfect. This is true but the description that best states its condition is that our world is fallen. As a child, I heard the adage, “Seeing is believing.” As I grow spiritually, I have come to realize that “Believing is seeing.” When we believe that Jesus is with us, we see Him working in the lives of people.

“But you know him,” Jesus reminds His disciples, then and now, that they (we) know and accept the Counselor and, whenever we need it, we have access to Him.

“. . . for he lives with you and will be in you.” Do we realize that God’s Holy Spirit dwells within us? On days that I don’t feel well or I have times of stress, I don’t always respond to circumstances as if God’s Spirit resided in me or in a way He would want me to. But God always instructs me and I am willing to learn how to rely on Him and His Holy Spirit.

Here are a few other verses about The Spirit of Truth:

“When the Counselor comes, whom I send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth goes out from the Father, He will testify about me.” John 15:26

“The Spirit of Truth will guide you (us) into all truth and will speak only of what He hears and will tell you (us) what is yet to come.” John 16:13.

“He will bring glory to Me by taking what is Mine and making it known to you.” John 16:14 (NKJV)

The work of the HS is to communicate and impart truth to those who receive Him. (Paraphrased from the writing of R. A. Torrey)

Dear God:

We thank You for your great love for us. It is because of that love that you granted Jesus’ request for a Counselor to come and be in us to guide us through our days. We give thanks for Your Word that we can learn of You and Your Son. In the name of Jesus, we pray. AMEN


  1. That excites me, too! That God would stoop to live in us is an awesome truth indeed. Thanks for this encouragement, and your comment on my blog today impressed me!

  2. What a wonderful reminder this is of all He is and has provided for us. I get too wrapped up in the everyday things. I need to spend more time meditating on these truths.

    Have a great week!

    Thanks and blessings,

  3. Great, insightful post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  4. Jeanette:
    Thank you for your enthusiasm. I believe we have neglected the Holy Spirit in our lives. God sent Him to work with us in our fallen world.

  5. Karen:
    Thank you for your insightful thought. Yes, we do get to wrapped up in our day to day lives. When I have had this happen, God does a 'God-moment' and makes me get back to thinking about the things that matter to Him.

  6. Jean:
    Thank you for taking the time to read. Have a great week in the Lord.

  7. I love knowing this, that He sends a Comforter and a Counselor. This is precious news!!

  8. Rhonda:
    Thank you for your warm comment. I believe it's because of His love for us that God sent the Counselor/Comforter to guide us through this fallen world.


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