Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How Should We Give Thanks?

Now, our God, we give you thanks,

and praise your glorious name.

1 Chronicles 29:13 (NIV)

Freely, when a friend tells me of God’s answers prayer, I respond with “Praise the Lord” or “Praise God.” If it is an answer that is a positive answer, say God finding a bone marrow match for a leukemia patient, I almost shout my response. If He relieves a person from suffering by taking him or her, I am a lot more subdued, almost quiet, in my response but I eventually give praise. Let’s not hang back.

Have you ever heard a Christian speak his mind on a subject dear to his or her heart, one where he or she felt they and their cohorts had received a raw deal? Then have you heard that same Christian speak of having the experience of encountering the person who has caused that somewhat harsh attitude. I recently heard a Christian man speak of running into a person who has caused a lot of cities to look at a phase of their lives differently. The man I heard was apologetic about his previous thoughts of the actions that he has had to live with and work under and his attitude.

Eagerly, let’s not wait to give our thanks to God. The praises should be the first thing that comes out of our mouths. Our praises should be for what God has done. Sometimes we look at the person for whom He has done a particular deed. We might harbor strong feelings against him or her. We might resent that person receiving that blessing from God because we might ‘know something’ about him or her. When we choose not to give praise to God, we have a problem.

I once worked with woman who was slightly younger than I. We had grown up in the same town. We’d get to cutting up about something. She’d say something I’d find humorous; I’d respond with a cute remark. She’d look at me and say, “Right on time.” Our thanks to God should be given in a timely manner.


  1. I always make a point of thanking God in my prayers. There is always so much to be thankful for, even the challenges we know He'll have to carry us through!

  2. Eileen:
    Thank you for your insightful thoughts. We sometimes forget that even our challenges come because He allows them for His purposes.

  3. Great reminders, Cecelia! It's easy to come to God with our "want" list first, when it should really be the other way around.

  4. Sarah:
    Thank you for your warm thoughts. We have to learn to go to God with our thanks first.


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