Friday, February 3, 2012

Honor God with Our Hearts and Minds

Honor  God and He will honor us. Bing image

“For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks”
Matthew 12: 34

Do the words of hymns or praise choruses play over and over in your mind? When I have these experiences, I know I am blessed.

When I have the ‘winter blues’, I find myself without a lot of energy. A recent week told me this was where I was at in my life. All my energy since Christmas seemed to take a vacation.

On that Friday, after taking a mid-morning nap, I started sorting laundry. I had prayed and had devotions before I chose to pile down on the couch and rest. As I started to sort the whites, a tune came into my heart. It was to one of the praise songs we sang at church the previous Sunday. I thought, “I wish I could remember the words.” Then the words of the chorus came to me, “Sing praise, sing praise,” I immediately felt my spirits lift.

Several years ago, I remember telling a friend that I felt close to God when this song-fest would happen. I always feel my spirits pick up when I have a praise song or a hymn run through my mind.

Because I felt I was struggling, I did what I felt I needed to do and prayed and read my Bible. I received a blessing by honoring Him even when I didn’t feel like it.

I have since realized that we truly can honor God with what we keep in our minds.

The scripture I chose to begin this essay with is one that convicted me of that occasional verbal slip of the tongue I used to have. Our former church also taught me not to used ‘minced oaths.’ Our drama ministry performed a short play about this subject. One of the women in the play told me later that because of the skit, which I had written, she had stopped using one of the expressions she had been using. Don’t you think we all should be more mindful of God and how He views our habits?


  1. I often wake up with the song "This is the Day the Lord Hath Made" running through my head. What a great way to begin the day!

  2. Jean:
    Thanks for stopping by. Isn't it great the God speaks to us this way?

  3. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    Worship music always has that effect on me. When I add sign language to the mix, it's even better.

    Susan :)

  4. Susan:
    Thanks for your thought. God speaks to us in so many ways. I enjoy watching someone sign to a hymn or a praise song. I find it relaxes me.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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