Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Each of you should look not only to your interests

but also to the interests of others.

Philippians 2:4 (NIV)

Paul spoke to a diverse church. Some were converts from Judaism. Others were from other areas, Rome, Greece, and who knows where else. There could have been a Roman jailer who worked in this colony for the empire. Each believer had a different background.

Even today, we see people from different backgrounds come together to form a body of worship. In our protestant church, we have several people who have a Roman Catholic background. We have a family where the husband/father grew up in a home where his parent’s native language was spoken. He is first generation American. I have heard that he can speak that native language of his parents.

We have people who come to the Lord as adults and have no Christian heritage to guide them. They learn of the Lord each day of their walk. Some people return to the Lord after they realize their need of a Savior and King.

Sometimes, people working in a church encounter people who have been accused of transgressing the law of the land. Some of those we encounter are relatives of those who are paying a debt to society.

We have to show Jesus to all we meet and with whom we work. As we strive together we learn to keep God uppermost in our lives. If those who are different from us have needs, we are to try to bring that need to a resolution. When the body of Christ works together, it works together not caring who amongst them gets the credit. They give that credit to Jesus.


  1. Hi Cecelia, So good to work together in the Body, with the Body For His Glory. Yes, indeed. True. He brings us all together, from diverse backgrounds and levels the field, in His grace so that as He draws all to Himself all will know Him, as their own Savior and King. Grace to you! ;)

  2. That scripture has always intrigued me Cecelia, looking after each others interests. I like your post on it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Dawn:
    Thank you for your thoughts. This verse is from one of my favorite passages of the New Testament. One thing I am learning is that we all have to look at people with Jesus's eyes.

  4. Marja:
    Thank you for you comment. I first got acquainted with this scripture when I was doing the church bulletins at our former church. There was a situation that needed addressing but no one wanted to. I had to speak to the circumstance as best I could. The whole passage speaks to me even now.


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