Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Meet Sheryl Young, Read about her Devotional Book

Hello, today, I am doing something different. I am interviewing author Sheryl Young. We participate in a forum on LinkedIn. She has two books she has published. "God Am I Nobody? Yielding Our Desire for Success to God's Will for Our Lives" and "What Every Christian Should Know about the Jewish People Improving the Church’s Relations with God’s Original Chosen Nation."

What made you become a writer?

When God opened my eyes to the declining moral values in our country, I started writing letters to the editor of our city’s newspaper in rebuttal to other viewpoints. I sent so many, the newspaper started inviting me to do guest commentary columns, and that’s how it started!

What made you write this book?

Coming out of a theatre background where there was so much applause, I suffered from what I call "attention-itis" - the need for recognition. After accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior, it still took many years before I became conscious of giving all praise to God for my accomplishments…

One day at a Christian bookstore, I literally stumbled across 19th missionary Hudson Taylor’s sermonette, A Higher Calling, in a book that had fallen to the floor. It was all about giving ourselves fully to God and His plans, not ours. It helped me stop wondering when my ‘15 minutes of fame’ might come. So I wrote this book around Taylor’s piece and parallel Bible verses, hoping it will help others put kingdom work first.

 What style of writing do you prefer doing? Non-Fiction or Fiction?

Non-fiction, definitely. Although I currently feel God is leading me out of my season of life for writing, my main fire has been to do newspaper, magazine and website articles on politics and faith. My first book was the result of being a Jewish believer in Jesus, and answering questions from many Christians about the Jewish faith, culture, and sensitivities to the gospel. What Every Christian Should Know about the Jewish People, (Wine Press, 2008).

 What do you find is the hardest part of writing?

Abiding by the rules I’ve been taught that keep writing succinct and to the point! I could easily ramble all over. Aspiring writers can best learn these rules by writing for good editors, or by attending Writers’ Conferences.

What is the best time management skill that helps you?

I keep regular “office hours” for myself when writing, as if I were employed by someone to do it.

 When is your best time to write?

Early in the morning right after prayer time, and late at night when my husband’s gone to sleep!

 Please tell us about your family?

I’ve been married since 1984 to a wonderful Christian man, Jerry, who is an ordained pastor. We have one daughter who was a missionary in non-Christian Asian territory for more than five years (thus I don’t like to reveal her name too much on the internet), and has now embarked on a stateside career. Actually, I’m the wicked stepmom!

Links to Sheryl’s book, God, Am I Nobody?: Yielding Our Desire for Success to God's Will for Our Lives

Publisher, Treble Heart, in paperback or e-book: paperback or Kindle:


Smashswords e-book:

Links to previous book, What Every Christian Should Know about the Jewish People Improving the Church’s Relations with God’s Original Chosen Nation:

Publisher, Wine Press, paperback: paperback:

“God, Am I Nobody?” Yielding Our Desire for Success to God's Will for Our Lives
by Sheryl Young

Sheryl Young has created a devotional booklet—just 17 short chapters in length—comparing the message of  Hudson Taylor, founder of China Inland Mission, with both Old Testament and New Testament scriptures.

She begins by telling Mr. Taylor’s history. How he found the Lord at age 17 and just three years later departed from his home in England to journey to China to help spread the Gospel.

The basis for Mrs. Young’s devotional booklet is Hudson Taylor’s sermonette, A Higher Calling. She takes sentences or paragraphs of Mr. Taylor’s text, compares his words to scripture, and expands understanding of the original text.

As I initially read the material, I ran across a thought that made me linger over it and ponder.

"Things may not happen for us when we think they should, because we might be in the midst of a learning experience. Once repentance has taken place, or God sees us fit for duty, our mountaintop experiences may resume. 

Sometimes, waiting—just the waiting—is a form of His discipline, so that we can then 'run and not be weary' and  'fly with wings like eagles.'” (Isaiah 40: 31)

The next day, I shared the above thought with some of my close friends. Each of them, as well as myself, had not thought of this connection between waiting and discipline.

The devotional contains 17 short messages. It can be read by individuals as a daily quiet time exercise—one message each day. A small group could use it as a study on Christian living or on how to experience a deeper walk with the Lord. An individual whom God has called to the mission field would gain insight into what he or she may need in order to do the work God has laid out for them.


  1. Thanks so much for generously dedicating a blogpost to my work, Cecelia! I'm glad you found an inspiring message within "God, Am I Nobody"!

    1. It was a pleasure. I find myself thinking of the learning experience idea and the surrendering of our wills each day.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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