Monday, April 30, 2012

Purifies Us from All Sin

“If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in darkness,
 we lie and do not live in the truth. But if we walk in the light,
 as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”
 1John 1:6-7 (NIV)

            If we say something to be true and our hearers discover that what we have spoken happens to be untrue, we are guilty of telling lies. If this happens over and over, we create a false world, a world of darkness. In our ‘world’ we only believe what our lies have caused us to accept.
            However, when we know the Lord, walk with Him, follow His instructions for our lives; we commune with those who are like-minded. God, through His Son separates us from our sin. He blots out all the bad thoughts, careless words, and sinful deeds-every one.
            When God removes the sin from our hearts, we realize He has cleansed us. I once said something to a daughter-in-law of a neighbor and friend of ours. My neighbor’s granddaughter heard me. When I realized I had been wrong in saying it. I felt terrible; I prayed. I wrote my neighbor a note asking her to forgive me. I realized the horrible mess my mouth had gotten me into.
            She called me and said she’d received the note and, yes, she’d forgive me. She then said, “We’ve been friends too long to let one slip-up spoil our relationship.” I knew she meant what she said and I felt forgiven by her and by the Lord.
            As I read this focus scripture again, I realize we can’t make false claims about our relationship with God. It is only when we walk in HIS light that we can experience the calming peacefulness of His presence. 


  1. So wonderful to be forgiven. I'm glad your relationship was maintained, Cecelia. :)

    1. Rhonda: I felt I had truly been forgiven.She's with the Lord now.


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