Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Prayers of Adoration

“Then those who were in the boat worshiped him
saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’”
 Matt 14:33 (NIV)

            Our heavenly Father desires that we, His children, have a reverential awe for Him. We are to uphold Him and things of His and treat them as special.
            The disciples watched as Jesus rescued Peter from the water. He had impulsively challenged Jesus to prove that it was indeed Him who came to them, walking on the water.
      Some sources believe that Peter reacted in faith. But we know that Peter took his eyes off of Christ and started to sink. Peter cried out to Jesus and He responded.
             I believe this is why the disciples fell down and worshiped the Master. When they spoke words of affirmation about who Christ is they said them out of a sense of awe and adoration.  
            Dear Lord: We come before you because we love you. We appreciate all the blessings you have bestowed upon us. All that you do for us each day causes us to humbly fall at your feet and honor You. We honor You with our work, our leisure activities, our talents, and our treasures. We will give You the praise You are due. In the name of Jesus, we pray. AMEN


  1. I see loving patience in this story of Peter. Jesus had such compassion in spite of his impulsive nature. Doesn't it give hope to many other "Peter's?" Yes!

    1. Yes, it is a story of compassion. This gives hope to all the "Peters" of the world, even me.

  2. Amen, and amen. I love that story. It give me hope that even when I sink, Jesus will lift me up!

    Hey, you won Katie Ganshert's book on my blog! I will post your name and link to you on my blog tomorrow. Congrats!

    1. We have to keep our eyes looking forward and on Jesus. I had a day about a month ago where I had to pray every time I felt overwhelmed by what I had to do to get from point A to point D in a limited amount of time. Thank you for your comment and Thank you for the book.

  3. Jesus chose Peter to be the "rock" when Peter had no confidence he could ever play such a role. Jesus saw a strength and goodness in Peter that Peter himself did not know he had. It is indeed a story of hope and patience.

    Thank you for this post! Blessings to you and yours.

    1. Janette:
      Isn't that like Jesus? He saw goodness in people the religious leaders deemed unworthy. Look at what Peter did after his denial of Christ and Jesus' forgiving him. The woman who was 'caught' in adultery is another example of His seeing something that the leaders didn't see.Thank you for your thought.


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