Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Receiving From His Grace

“From the fullness of His grace we have all

received one blessing after another.”

John 1:16 (NIV)

 John states a profound truth here. When we receive blessings from God, He chooses to bestow a gift because of His unending love for us. During the initial writing of this devotion, I realized the truth involved as I reflected on my earlier exercise of recording my blessings of that morning.

 It was a Saturday, the sun shone brightly through the window behind the couch where I sat. The furnace had kicked in earlier-it was June but we experienced cooler than normal weather. I had gotten a good night’s sleep. I had enjoyed the quietness of our house.

I discovered God’s presence in each of these gifts from Him. I was richer for recognizing all He had done for me early that morning.

 Early last month, Hubby and I traveled to his boyhood home to spend some time with friends. Our friend Tom has some acreage out in the country where he dug a ‘pond.’ We did some fishing. It was the first time for me to have a fishing license. I had fished at trout farms several years ago. I had what I call ‘beginner’s blessing.’ I caught fish and more fish. I can’t cast, so when Hubby was not close by, I dropped my line in near the bank and those blue gill must have been hungry. I caught a 15” bass, but I think I caught him about three times.

 When we started home the next morning, Hubby asked me if I had thanked the Lord for his blessing me with all those fish. I chuckled and said I had. Then, I asked him if he had. He had also.


  1. What a wonderful reminder of God's grace. Thank you for sharing!

  2. What fun! My men just went fishing a couple of weeks ago, and they were blessed, too. Now they want to know how soon we can eat the "blessings." :)!

  3. Thanks for stopping by. As God's children, we receive blessings each day. I am approaching 700 of them in my 'Blessings' journal.

  4. Karen; Thank you for your kind comment. I received several blessings in making a stop to pick up a collection box of school supplies. We receive God's blessings all the time.


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