Monday, August 20, 2012

The Liebster Blog Award

        Sometime ago I was awarded the Liebster Award by my blogging friend Dawn over at beneath the surface-dawn. I was having computer issues and told her thank you for the award and I would get to doing my part for the award later on. In the aftermath of computer issues, mine crashed. I forgot. (mea culpa) Thank you for the thoughtfulness of the award.

       Recently, I received an email from a new blogging friend, Janette over at janettedolores. I thank her for the award and the touching words she wrote about this blog.

These are the 'rules' of the Liebster Blog Award:
~Thank your Liebster Award presenter on your blog and link back to his or her page.
~Copy and paste the blog award onto your blog.
~Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs with 200 followers or less.

~Notify those bloggers that they've been presented with the award.

Thank you, Dawn. Thank you, Janette.

I had to find 5 blogs to highlight and award. Here are the bloggers and their blogs. These are just some of the ones I follow..

1.)    Sheryl Young, @20-20faithSight  She’s a Messianic Jew. She reports on current events with a Christian perspective. She also reviews books.

2.)    Jean Matthew Hall, @Encouraging Words for Writers
 She gives encouragement to all writers. Her special genre is Children’s books, especially picture books. She also heads up the Write 2 Ignite writing conference, held each spring in March

3.)    Kerrie aka: KC@ hereiamkaycee.; Kerrie lives in Australia. On her blog, she shares parts of her life and pictures of her beautiful homeland. She has a heart for children evidenced by her sharing the need of prayer for a very ill little girl.

4.)    Pam @ pamelasopenwindow.. Pam writes about God in her life, about how He makes His presence known to her.  I “met” her when mutual blogging friend’s Random Journal Day feature link-up included a posting by Pam.


  1. Hi, Cecelia:

    You're most welcome for the award, and thank you for mentioning my blog! I appreciate it.

    You've provided us with some great blog picks here! I'm off to check them out...

    Enjoy your week,

  2. Thank you, Cecelia, for this award. I am so grateful to you for your kind words and thoughts. Your blog truly exemplifies and honest and humble approach to "Following My King". I am learning wonderful things from you. Thank you for your "Quiet Spirit" and faithful testimony. God's blessings upon you today.

  3. Congratulations! What fun. You've got an international flavor to your list here. :)

    1. Rhonda, Thank you for pointing out the international element to my list.

  4. Dear Cecelia, THANK YOU for thinking of me and honouring me with this award. In the past, I had marked my blog as an award free blog. You see, I'm rather shy and always feel uncomfortable about being the center of attention. However, this time my friend, I do feel different. It is the knowing that with loving-kindness, you have thought of me. Knowing someone has thought of you is a blessing, one I should never shy away from. So my dear friend, with lots of love right back at you, I say again with appreciation "thank you" - I'm so glad we're friends! Have a super day! Love, Kerrie

    1. KC:
      I understand. The main purpose for anything we do as children of God is to honor Him. But when someone recognizes our efforts, it's a blessing to each of us. You're most welcome.

  5. Congratulations, Quiet Spirit, and all the other recipients!

  6. Thank you, QS! I'm late -- but I finally remembered. Now to do my part with this generous award.



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