Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What the Lord Asks



“And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and to observe the LORD’S command and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good.?” Deut. 10:12-13 (NIV)

 Have you ever wondered what you were supposed to do when faced with a dire situation? I have several times in my life.
One time, I chose to follow the WWJD way of dealing with a sticky situation only to get burned by two tenants in one of the rental units I was managing because my dad was in a nursing home. Had I been able to talk to them early on, I may have handled the issue better. For a while, the action I took with dealing with these women was one of my regrets.

 I found this scripture as I looked for another one. It spoke to my heart. I re-learned some of the basic concepts of Christianity from what this passage says.

“Fear the LORD your God . . . . “ We are to respect God. Revere His word. Hold Him in high esteem.
 “. . . to walk in all his ways. . . “Whatever we do, we are to do as if He were beside us-because He is. Brother Andrew wrote of this exercise in his book, Practicing the Presence of God. I remember hearing and then seeing this pithy statement on a church signboard: “Do you feel away from God? Guess who moved?”

” . . . to love him. . . .” When we love another person we try to be patient with them. We try to understand his or her position with certain issues. When we love God we adore Him, obey His commands.
” . . . to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. . . “We are to be His hands and feet, consider the other person’s viewpoint, their loss, or their circumstance. We are to put our complete selves into the service of the LORD.



  1. What does the Lord God ask of me? Good question... wonderful scripture to us. Thanks for this excellent post.

    1. Marja:
      Thank you for your comment. I learn from each post and each topic I write about.

  2. Boy, I've not thought about THAT book in a long time! Makes me want to read it again. Next time I'm at the library, I'm going to look for it.

    I'm glad you mentioned it.

    1. Rhonda: Thank you for your wonderful comment. I'm not sure how old that book is. I believe I first ran across it in the late 1960s. I hope you can find it at your library.


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