Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Trust at All Times


“Trust in him at all times, O people;
Pour out your hearts to him
for God is our refuge.” Selah
Psalm 62: 8


“Trust in him at all times . . .” We are to rely on God and seek His wisdom not just when our world is a shambles-when things go wrong. We are to approach Him when we have no problems besetting us. When we have times of blessing, we are to thank Him. The nation Israel had a roller coaster relationship with Yahweh because they forgot about Him when they had a smooth path-when the going was easy.                  

” . . . pour out your hearts to him. . . “ We can tell God anything-yes, anything. Even if we are angry at Him, he will hear us. If our closest friends have caused us hurt, He wants us to talk to Him about it. If there is an issue you feel that no one else will understand, He will.

” . . . God is our refuge.” The Lord God is our protector. When He wraps His arms of love around us and draws us close to Him, it is if we are in a cocoon, awaiting the day we become a full blown butterfly in all our beauty. We are safe from the world’s hurt, from unthinking people’s action or inaction, and from our own rash decisions or actions.

”Selah” I found out that originally this word was a liturgical musical term. The word was not to be read. It signified to the worshippers a rest. A musical interlude filled the sanctuary. The worshippers were to stop and listen or consider what they had been singing.1 The sons of Korah must have felt the message was important and wanted that thought to resonate with the people. When we see this term, we should stop, and consider what that particular message has for us.                         


1.Information courtesy of Pastor Regina Rogers Kirkland,former associate pastor at our church.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for stopping in. God is wonderful. He takes us as we are and teaches us what we need to know about Him and the way He wants us to live.

  2. I guess I never analyzed that the roller coaster ride of Israel was due to them only calling on God in the hard times. Thanks for teaching me something new today!

    1. Jen:
      Thank you for stopping by. I often wondered about that very thing but one of the saints of our former church explained it in Sunday school class. I know she is in heaven and in my cloud of witnesses.


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