Monday, January 28, 2013

Grace in My Life

Last fall, I read and reviewed a book by Max Lucado, GRACE, MORE THAN WE DESERVE,
GREATER THAN WE IMAGINE. I decided then to adopt the word Grace for my word for 2013.

Several years ago, I was in a study of grace using Phillip Yancey’s book, What’s so Amazing about Grace I realized then that, as a follower of Christ, I was to extend grace to others I met.  I recognized the fact that those to whom I extended grace might not get the message of what I was doing but it was my task to exercise grace anyway.

I recently went through an ordeal that required me to extend grace as opposed to react like an injured party. I found myself repeating my word for this year over and over again. The next day I had to take a stand in reference to the original circumstance. The person acquiesced and got someone more skilled than either of us to do that which had caused us frustration.

We are still speaking to each other. I am thankful that I had this experience in extending grace. I kept my mouth shut and did the best I could with the circumstances.

As I reflect I recognize the grace of God works often in my life. I will watch out for it as I continue to live for Jesus. Here it is the end of January and Jesus, through my word for the year, has already taught me a valuable lesson. I wonder what He has in mind for me during the rest of 2013.


  1. We all have a choice to take those offenses but really it is only God's grace that carries us through. I can't imagine my life without the grace of God. I think once we get to heaven we will see how that grace pulled us through on an hourly basis. God is so good. God bless you.


    1. Thank you for the blessing. You are right, it is God who carries us through the tough circumstances of our lives.
      May God bless you this week.

  2. I have experienced that more than once Cecelia, I pick a word for the year... and I am learning all kinds of great lessons related to that word. It must have to do with focus...

    1. Marja, several years ago, I participated in a small group. We studied Bible study booklets, written by various authors. When we studied one particular series, I lived out the lesson each week. I now believe God was trying to teach me something.

  3. Cecelia,

    Thanks for sharing this. I have "been there, done that."
    :-) I'm looking for more grace this year as well.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. It seems we all are looking for God's blessings. May God smile on you this week.

  4. Thanks for this, Cecelia. Very enlightening and inspiring.

    Jennifer at Pen and Prosper Blog

  5. beautiful! It is truly amazing when we open our eyes to the grace that surrounds us...yes, it is Amazing Grace!

  6. I love your word for word for the year. I think it's a good year to spend a year on, or more for slow learners like me.
    Grace gets us closer to the heart of God.

  7. "Grace, Grace, God's Grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within...Grace, Grace, God's grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin." (favorite old Hymn) God's grace covers our inability to do the seemingly impossible...and He makes all things possible for forgiveness, charity, faith, hope...loving our neighbors as ourselves.
    Thank you for this reminder of God's Infinite Grace today.


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