Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Justified because of Grace

Being Rebekah .com

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith,
we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in
which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.”
Romans 5:1-2 (NIV)

”‘ . . . justified through faith. . .’” Because we believe in God, He treats each of us ‘just as if I’d’ not sinned. When we ask Him to forgive us of our wrong doing, He takes his arms of love and wraps them around us and He speaks to our hearts as if we were completely whole.
”‘ . . . peace with God . . .’” in the process of confessing our sin, we begin to feel a calmness about certain issues involved with our lives. We express thanks to God for our newly found calmness. We feel His presence in new found ways.
” ‘ . . . access by faith. . .’” As we proceed through the process of confession we find our faith strengthened. Because our faith is strengthened, we gain more insight into the things of God.
”‘ . . . into this grace . . .’” We experience God’s grace as we walk with Him through our daily lives. Sometimes we have times where we see God’s hand in an event in our lives-a friend might say something to inspire us, we might feel the need to pray for someone and later find out they had a need.
”‘ . . . rejoice in the hope. . . ‘”We are to have joy in our anticipation of our being in heaven with Jesus when our time on earth is over. 
”‘. . . of the glory of God.’” When we get to heaven we will see God in all His splendor. We will experience our arrival at our true home. All that we will see and share in will be ours because of His great love for us, love that we do not deserve.

Click here to hear an American favorite hymn on grace:Amazing Grace


  1. I need to meditate more on these truths today and everyday. Thank you for this timely reminder. :)

    1. Karen: Thank you for stopping in. We all need to meditate on God's truths for our lives.

  2. We have been studying the virtues of love and forgiveness in my Bible Study. God's grace is amazing. Thank you for your post!

    1. Janette: Thank you for stopping by. Without God's grace, we wouldn't have what we have-that relationship with Him.

  3. Dear Quiet Spirit, To answer your question, here in Australia the school year always starts at the end of January through to December. Dates do vary slightly between states but only by a week. Also public schools only have six weeks holidays for Summer whereas private/independent schools have an eight week break. My son attends a private school, the term dates for 2013 are as follows:

    Term 1 -> Tuesday, 29th January - Thursday, 28th March
    Term 2 -> Tuesday, 16th April - Friday, 21st June
    Term 3 -> Tuesday, 16th July - Friday, 20th September
    Term 4 -> Tuesday, 8th October - Friday, 6th December

    Hope this helps. God Bless!


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