Monday, February 11, 2013

Faith Pleases God


“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)

The writer of Hebrews states some very definite points here.
               1.) In order to please God, we have to have faith.
               2.) We must believe He is real or we cannot approach Him.
               3.) If we earnestly seek God, He rewards us.
There was a term used in the late 1960’s that described what some people seemed to do then.
By and large, they seemed to ‘play church’. The best way to describe it was that they attended church on Sunday and, as they left God’s house, they laid aside that part of them that believed in Him and went out into the world and acted like all those around them. Come Sunday morning, they approached God’s house and picked up what they had left there and went in and went through the motions of belonging to Him.
Christians have watched as the world lowered its standard for morals. I am reading Next Door Savior a book by Max Lucado. He uses a term that describes what I mean-Mardi-Gras morals. Could it be that those watching us decided valued our Monday through Saturday personas more than we did our Sunday selves?
Christian believers have been praying for God to pour out His grace on our world in order to bring around revival.


  1. Thank you for this reminder - what a good way to start the week! :) My goal is to live for Him every day of the week, and to grow in faith and grace.

    1. Karen: Thank you for your warm comment. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, when I have to think about how I will observe the Lenten season. I have some time to think about this.

  2. I will never forget the day I really discovered this verse and caught that part..."He who comes to God must believe a) that He is, and b) that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." That has come back time and time again to bless and encourage my soul.

    1. Rhonda: This scripture really makes us stop and take account of where we are with God. Some times I read this and it makes me look at who I am and whose I am.

  3. I try to pray for faith everyday..and especially days like today, when nothing makes sense and things go is just repeating over and over son over, "Jesus, i trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you..."

    1. Annmarie: It is faith that gets us through each day. For some of us have to live that day, minute by minute. When nothing makes sense to us, we have to turn those things over to the One to Whom everything does.


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