Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Growth In Righteousness

“Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply  
and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.”
2 Corinthians 9:10 (NIV)

Paul speaks of God who supplies ALL we have. Besides providing the nourishment for our bodies, He also strengthens our hearts and souls in order for our spirits to grow to be more like Him.
Certain denominations observe Lent as preparation for Resurrection Sunday. Those who participate in fasting through the period go through a mini-metamorphosis- a time of change. People find themselves getting closer to God. We choose to go through the denial of something we like in order to better understand what Jesus gave up when He chose to go to the cross for us.
In my devotional reading, I am reading about the cross. Martyn Lloyd Jones writes of the cross telling his readers new thoughts about the importance of the cross in our lives.
A friend of mine has gone through a rough patch with someone she and her husband know. During this Lenten season, she also has grown closer to the Lord. My friend lives her life for the Lord. She seeks to see things through God’s eyes. She has followed God’s directive and is in the midst of trying to talk to this person as a devout Christian. I pray that my friend will be able to communicate God’s message to this other person.
Lord, Please help us as we learn more about You. Help us to grow more like You.


  1. Dottie:

    Thank you for stopping in and thank you for your kind words.

  2. We do not practice Lent, but there is a Lenten service in our community that we sometimes attend. The music is lovely, and I appreciate being reminded of Jesus' sacrifice for me. Wow. For me! That makes me so grateful!

    I hope your friend finds peace in her storm.

    1. Jeanette: Thank you for stopping by. In the next few weeks, I will have different music going through my mind; a lot of those songs will be Easter music.


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