Friday, April 5, 2013

Intercession--RJD April 2013


Journal Entry April 1, 1997
“A Christian fellowship lives and exists by the intercession of its members for one another, or it collapses.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Bonhoeffer says some very meaty things in the passage that he gives that he gives with the above quote. I liked the entire passage back on March 19, 1997 when l began this section.
One does not know, really know, another person until they have prayed for or with each other. I sometimes seek out certain people to pray for me about situations that I seem caught in. I do this because they have experienced the same circumstances in their lives and dealt with the problems in a Christ-like way.
Ezekiel 22:30 defines intercession for me: “standing in the gap.” The verse ends on a sad note: “. . . but I found none.” I desire to be one who intercedes for my Christian brothers and sisters.
I look at this passage and I know Dietrich Bonhoeffer spoke the truth in these words .Since I found this statement, I have heard of churches closing their doors. I wish every Christian believer could experience having another person pray for them. For every Christina fellowship to grow certain things have to be evident. 1.) The Holy Spirit has to be present. 2.) The people have to pray for each other.

Linking with Dawn @beneaththesurface.


  1. Truer words have never been spoken my friend! Don't forget to add the link and link up with us so others can visit! Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Dawn. I wrote this entry to help me understand the disciplines we do in order to connect with Jesus and with like minded believers. The devotional book was "disciplines for the inner life" by Bob and Michael Benson. I met the son, Michael when he came to our church and led a revival. He autographed my copy. I had already purchased one. He had some with him to sell. I asked him if he would sign mine even though I had already purchased mine somewhere else. He said, "Sure." A very fine Christian gentleman.

  2. We really need more intercession, don't we? (And badly!) I know I need to start with me and do more of it myself.
    Also, there's such great wisdom in asking people to pray who have been through the kind of situation for which you need the prayer. Good thoughts here. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Sylvia: I thank you for stopping by. We all need to have some person or persons in our life who will pray for us, especially when we can't pray for ourselves.

  3. I think many of us feel as though we have nothing to offer the body of Christ. This is the answer, though; we can pray for one another! So glad you highlighted this, for we do need to do it.


    1. Karen: If we hadn't had people interceding for us,I know our family would not be who we are today. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. You strike me a real prayer warrior. Your heart just goes there immediately and I am sure that many have benefited from your prayer times with God.

    1. Thank you, Susie. I had a several women who set an example of prayer for me. One was a lady who, if you met her, you would have thought her background was that of Christian perfection. In actuality, she was the first in her family to come to Christ. Her marriage ended by her choice due to her husband's mental illness. She moved here from another state but called him every week. She never complained to her in-laws about the circumstances. She and their daughter traveled back to attend his funeral. What an example of grace and mercy.

  5. Great quote! It reminds me of the Scripture saying that others will know we're Christians by our love for each other. Intercession is an important part of that fellowship.


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