Monday, April 1, 2013

Meet Susan Reinhardt- Author

Hello, today we will be talking with Susan J. Reinhardt. I am excited to have her stop here on her blog tour for her first e-book, The Moses Conspiracy. Susan hails from the Keystone state, Pennsylvania.

1. What inspired you to write The Moses Conspiracy?
My late husband and I visited Gettysburg prior to Christmas in 2004. While standing in the old town square, surrounded by history, I could "hear" the forefathers' voices. However, they were like fading echoes.
After several failed attempts to write non-fiction pieces, I put it on the back burner and prayed for direction. In August 2005, my husband and I were talking about "the Gettysburg experience," and he said, "That's it!  That's your book! And you'll write it in 4 months and call it Ghosts of the Past."
I thought he was crazy, but caught the vision. The name changed to Echoes of the Past and later to The Moses Conspiracy. When I sat down at the computer, I had no clue what I was going to write. By Christmas 2005, I had 55,000 words.

2. How long did it take you to write the book? Was it an easy journey?
The first draft took 4 months, but then I had to learn how to write fiction. I cut my writing teeth on this book. There were multiple re-writes while I shopped it around. It took 8 years to write, get a contract, and an agent.
The journey was far from easy. From 2006-2007, I wrote very little due to my husband's battle with leukemia, death, and subsequent challenges. When I came through the grief process, I knew I had to finish the book both in his memory and because I felt the Lord had directed me to write it.

3. What do you hope readers will take away from your book?
There are several messages, including the faithfulness of God during difficult times, the importance of protecting our freedoms, and building strong family relationships.
4. What genre is your book?
I loosely define The Moses Conspiracy as Christian Speculative Fiction because it takes place in 2025. Although it takes place in the near future, I've avoided a lot of techno-babble. One take-away I wanted for the reader was the possibility this or something similar could happen.

5 Tell us a little about your writing background.
I've written for many years, but only started my publishing journey 10 years ago. Non-fiction is my first love, and I'd still like to produce a devotional or other non-fiction book down the road. I digress. I've had numerous devotions, short pieces, and a few compilation stories published along the way.
Fiction has always interested me, but I never pursued it until a visit to Gettysburg in 2004 stuck in my mind.


  1. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    Thanks for having me on your blog today! I'm excited about the Blog Tour and hope people will check out not only The Moses Conspiracy, but also the bloggers who've supported me.

    Susan :)

    1. Susan, it's nice to find out the background of an author and how their book came into being.

  2. It's great to see Susan here! I just finished the book. It's a great read - much can be learned from the story. Wishing Susan all the best! Thanks to both of you for a wonderful interview! :)

    1. Karen,it's great to have Susan visit. Thanks for stopping in.

  3. Hi Karen -

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate the thumbs up for The Moses Conspiracy.

    Susan :)

  4. Very interesting! I like how you "heard" the voices of the forefathers, Susan.

    I applaud your perserverance!

    Good interview, Cecelia. :)

    1. Rhonda: Thanks for stopping in. I,also, applaud Susan for her perseverance.

  5. Hi Rhonda -

    My husband and I prayed for 8 months before we understood the significance of that experience. Even with a start like that, the road was challenging. I'm grateful for God's faithfulness through both good and bad times.


  6. Susan,

    Your journey is inspirational. I admire your perseverance and willingness to follow the Lord's guidance. Your husband sounded like a wonderfully supportive man, and the two of you were blessed to have one another.

    Congrats on the success of your book and your blog tour! I'm trying to keep pace with the tour and will check out more blog stops tomorrow!

    Be well, Susan and Cecilia...


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