Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Set Your Hope On His Grace

“Therefore prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.
 1 Peter 1:13 (NIV)

Peter advises those reading his 
letter to train their minds for sharpness. He admonishes them to also be restrained in their attitudes. Peter told the 1st Century believers to set their expectation of future good on the love of Jesus that they will see when He returns to earth.
As a college coed, I was somewhat nervous when my boyfriend came to visit in my home one summer. I didn't realize my dad noticed it.
A few days after my beau had returned to his home, my mother told me about Dad noticing I became worried when the guy was a bit late in arriving.
As a young adult, I found myself feeling ‘let down’ by events. Some of them were less exciting than I thought. Others did not happen or I couldn't participate in. I finally recognized this feeling as a mild form of depression. To keep myself from falling into this quagmire of defeat, I more or less stopped looking forward to things. I went to activities and I enjoyed them.
I heard a pastor say, “People will let you down; I will let you down. But Jesus will never let you down. I realized that I had been looking at the happenings of my life from a worldly point of view. I began to grow closer to the Lord because of this conversation. 

*Graphic from


  1. Wow, it's so wise that you realized this and made a little mental adjustment, so that you weren't enslaved by dread or disappointment. Good for you!

    1. Thank you, Jeanette, for stopping in. Wouldn't be wonderful if people could realize that they can change things and feel better about themselves. Yet, God is the only one who can point our their problematic habits.

  2. Good for you, Cecelia. I second what Jeanette said. I appreciate you sharing this with us.

    1. Rhonda:
      Thank you for your kind thought. Sometimes, we don't share things with others because we are fearful about how they will respond. I have two local friends that have been good friends in that they accept me as I am. I appreciate them. I appreciate all my fellow bloggers who I follow because I can be open with them, as well.


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