Monday, May 13, 2013

Worship Honors God

“. . . ascribe to the LORD the glory due him; bring an offering and come before him.”
1 Chronicles 16:29 (NIV)

Worship is an expression of the relationship between believers and God; involves reverence and adoration toward God. We are to bestow honor to Him for all we have, all we are, and all we do.
We give God His glory when we honor Him by assembling together with other believers. Ours prayers to Him bring us to our knees, both literally and figuratively.
As we strive to get closer to God through prayer and fasting, we honor Him in a very special way. Some Christian denominations observe Lent by fasting from a food or an activity for the weeks following Ash Wednesday.
We honor God when we keep a confidence for a friend.  When we strive to obey the Ten Commandments, we honor our relationship between Him, those around us, and ourselves. How we worship the Lord shows how much we love Him.

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