Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Set Free


“It is for freedom that 
Christ has set you free.
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened by the yoke of slavery."
Galatians 5:1 (NIV)

“It is for freedom. . . “A We hear in the legal world that every action has a motive behind it. When a person is tried for a crime, the plaintiff’s counsel receives information as to the defendant’s motive-the reason that caused the person to transgress the law. God’s motive for His granting us salvation is His desire to free us from the consequence of our sins.

“. . . Christ has set you free. . .”Jesus erases the black marks of our sins. He cleanses us and makes us whole.  We learn to function without the weight of our sins on our hearts. 

“Stand firm. . .” Paul tells the believers of Galatia and his future readers to Stand firm-not to not be afraid, not to hang back.

“. . . do not let yourselves. . .” We sometimes allow ourselves to let things get us down. Recently, I sat in a committee meeting at our church. A retired minister related a story about something that happened to him when he was in the active ministry. The take-away from his story is that he made a choice to not be offended by a person’s words. When we face others, we have a choice—to react or not react to the circumstances. We have a Lord that loves us so much that he can handle anything evil. Rather than fuming about issues, we all need to intentionally turn them over to the Lord.

“. . . be burdened by the yoke of slavery.” When we are held in bondage to sin we become bent over with the weight we carry.  We become burdened with trying to surmise who knows what we did. Also, we worry if our friends will think kindly of us.    y


  1. Love, love, love this scripture Cecelia. Thanks for posting on it. My husband and I did a whole weekend teaching on this verse... it is so rich, so powerful, such a great lesson.

    1. Marja; Thank you for stopping by. I find that certain scriptures hold more meaning as I advance in my walk with Him.
      I am reading a book that causes me to think more seriously about my faith.

  2. I try and understand this concept and also explain it to my is so deep! Sin enslaves, and Christ frees...amazing, isn't it?!

    1. Annmarie;
      There are some aspects of Christianity we have to take on faith. I used to try to explain some aspects to my husband before he found the Lord. I could tell when he didn't understand my words. Hubby had to experience Christ in order to believe those concepts.

  3. I agree with Marja. It is one worth meditating on, that's for sure.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


    1. Thank you for your kind words, Karen. We have to spend time in the Word to find out what God expects from us.

  4. The very thing I've been pursuing...freedom in Christ, and you've confirmed it.



  5. I especially needed this thought that I have a choice as to getting offended or not. Thanks so much!

    1. Jeanette; We all need to remember that we have the choice. I believe it's due to our humanity that we take the offensive attitude. I am pointing three fingers back at myself at the moment.

  6. "But he that fixes his view on the perfect law, that of liberty, and abides in it, being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, he shall be blessed in his doing", James 1: 25.

    1. David: Thank you for stopping here at my blog. Thank you, also, for the scripture quote.

  7. I really love it when people take apart Scripture to explain it's meaning to them. Thank you so much for your sharing! It really helps when others, like your minister, share their experiences too. It really stays with you, doesn't it?

    I also love the letters of St. Paul. Just as apt today as way back then.

    Peace in Christ,

    1. Thank you, Ceil, for your warm thoughts. It has always helped me to understand scripture better when I look at it in sections. And, you are right, Paul's writings are always relevant.


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