Friday, July 5, 2013

Hope of Glory-RJD July 2013

“Christ in you, the hope of glory”
Colossians 1:27 (NIV) 

"Christ in you. . ." Paul writes to the believers at Colosse in order to encourage them to stand firm against the false teachers in their midst.
When a person comes to Christ, he or she asks Jesus to live in his or her heart. His desire is to inhabit our thoughts, our minds our speech, our actions, and our interactions.The result of Christ’s presence in us is the anticipation of His in us and through us.

God in us—three powerful words. We should feel humbled that the Father would want to live in our hearts and souls. A pastor’s wife I knew told a group of us she felt very small when she partook of communion because she reflected on who He is and who she was each time she received the elements. 

"Hope. . ."noun—anticipation; verb to look forward to an event or happening.
Christ lives in the hearts of His children. He guides them in the way to live, to love, and to work. His presence in our hearts is a Spiritual blessing. He empowers us with His presence. With His empowering, we are able to work for the Kingdom. We look forward to seeing God on His throne, in His glory. (Isaiah 6:1) We can only see God if we know His Son and have Christ in our hearts.

We turn our hearts and lives over to Jesus Christ and ask Him to live in our hearts. But we get overwhelmed by our world. We try to balance home, work and our spiritual lives.
As far as my place in this realignment of priorities, I allowed conditions surrounding my life to keep me off balance. It took a lengthy time for me to realize that God was with me and Christ was in me.

I still feel I haven’t done as well representing (living for) Jesus as I should have.

Linking up with .recoveringchurchlady.


  1. Hi Cecelia -

    I've been working on balance for years. My responsibilities are constantly shifting, which requires a realignment of priorities. By putting Him first, everything falls into place.

    Susan :)

  2. Hi Susan; You are so right. When we put Him first, everything becomes as He desires. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Hi Cecelia! I really liked the way you pinpointed "God in us" as being powerful words. I guess I never thought about it in that way. But they are :) Thank you, I'll be thinking about that all day.

    Happy Friday!

    1. Ceil: I always find it humbling to think about a small part of God being in us. I had to rely on Him being with me yesterday as a long-standing friend shared with me some heart-breaking news. I wanted to react one way but this friend didn't deserve that. All I could do was listen as she told me the story.

  4. This is one powerful passage and truth! I am humbled by it, too.

    I see Jesus in you, whether you feel like it or not. None of us is an accurate judge of ourselves, dear. Just keep listening and following your King, and you'll get that crown He's reserved for you.

    1. Jeanette: Thank you for stopping in and for your warm comments.
      I am having a great adventure with my word for the year-GRACE. I learn something every day about it.

  5. "Christ in me, the hope of glory"...Where would we be without Christ? I shudder to think where I'd be today if it had not been for Jesus' saving grace. Thank you for your faithful writing for His glory. You are a blessing!

    1. Pam: None of us would be where we are or doing what we do.Thank you for your warm compliment. Enjoy your weekend.


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