Friday, August 9, 2013

Book Review: Follow Me By David Platt

 Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live.  -     
        By: David Platt, Francis Chan

Mr. Platt writes about discipleship. He speaks of the way we come to the Lord as not being the way Jesus intended.  He tells us he “did everything people expected of him to do-planted a mega-church, wrote a bestseller, started a college, planted other churches, and spoke at conferences.” But he didn't have peace. The church in the Acts was vastly different than what he saw. This book is the result of his journey to authentic Christianity.
This author believes that certain qualities of the church should “always be true of Christians and the church.” One of his points is that we need to experience the supernatural regeneration Jesus gives. Another valid point Mr. Platt makes is that, as disciples, we are to make disciples. We sometimes fall short in this area. Jesus is not to be kept by us just for us. As we live  for him, we are to give Him away to others.
This was not an easy book to read. The seven chapters average 30 pages in length. The thoughts sometime conflicted with what I have heard as I try to live for Him.
Follow Me is a scholarly book. I believe it would benefit those who are very seriously seeking to learn how to be a true disciple of the Lord. I believe it will benefit any clergy person who may be doubting his ministry and calling.
While I found this book daunting to me. I find I learned some very important lessons from it.

I discovered this book on the Tyndale website through the Book Club Network. I borrowed it from my local library. All I was asked to do was read it and give an unbiased review.



  1. That reminds me of one of our church's core convictions: that we are to be about making other disciples. Reproducing.

    Sounds like a challenging, provocative read, Cecelia.

    1. Rhonda: Thank you for your thoughts. It has made me realize that we have to keep our relationship with Jesus at the forefront of our minds at all times.

  2. Hi Cecelia! What a wonderful point about making other disciples. I see that Rhonda thinks the same thing!

    I am not so sure I would like a 'scholarly' book, but it does sound like it has a few good points. Sorry it was confusing to you? I guess that's an occupational hazard with being a book reviewer!

    Happy Saturday!

    1. Ceil: Thank you for visiting my blog. Sometimes, I find I need to slow down my 'pace' and listen to God. I have different tastes in reading. With this book, I DID find something to remember about our walk with Christ--We are to share Him with those around us. (Sometimes we forget that.)

  3. Well, I think you did a good job reviewing this book, honest to what you experienced. I am interested, but (like Ceil) a little afraid for scholarly book, because my English is not sufficient...

    1. Marja: Thank you for your thoughts. I had moments when I wanted to NOT finish the book,but something kept me reading. When it all made sense, I felt relieved that I had stayed with it.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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