Friday, November 1, 2013

Consider: Who Jesus Is RJD Nov. 2004

Journal Entry January 16, 2013
“Jesus asked his disciples, ‘Who do people say the Son of Man is?’ They replied, ‘Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ ‘But what you?’ he asked. ‘Who do you think I am?’” Matthew 16:13-15
From the responses the followers gave Jesus, the people thought of Him as a reincarnated Jeremiah, a reborn Elijah, and even John the Baptist.
               Jesus asked the question of the disciples in a more personal way. “But, what about you? Who do you say I am?”
               Simon Peter responds with a defining thought, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
               Jesus’ question is one that speaks to us on a regular basis. What about you? Who do you say I am?”
               If, in our devotional times, we deal with the question as Simon Peter did, we receive rewards from heaven. If, however, we respond with, “Oh, he’s a good guy.” “Oh, he’s someone my parents spoke of.” “Oh he’s someone I call on when I am in trouble.” We miss the whole point of experiencing Christ. We dilute His message; we could even be guilty of ignoring His reason for coming to earth.
               I need to focus more on His being the Son of the living God.

UPDATE: As we strive to live for Jesus, we need to recognize who He is. Living for Him has become more difficult as time draws closer for His return. I constantly try to remember whose I am and whom I am to emulate.  When I slip and do something not to Jesus’ liking, I have to immediately seek forgiveness from Him.

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  1. Dearest Cecelia, you bless me! Amen to these words. Thank you for reaching out, being first in the link and sharing profound, beautiful insight with us at Random Journal Day. Much Love, In His Grace, Dawn

    1. Dawn: Thank you for your warm comment. God wants to do a wonder ful work in His children. As we share His love we are His hands and feet.

  2. Hi, Cecelia:

    We studied this passage a few weeks ago at Bible study. During our Bible study discussion, I found it interesting to note where Jesus and his disciples were when Jesus asked them who people said He was. They were in the region of Caesarea Philippi (Matt. 16:13), a region devoted to the worship of pagan deities at the time. So Jesus stood in a region devoted to false gods, and asked his disciples to state their beliefs: was he the Son of the only God, or just another preacher with a message, among the many?

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you warn that we must not dilute Jesus's message. He was not simply a nice man doing nice things. He was the Son of God, offered as the final blood sacrifice to redeem us and lead us toward eternal glory. He is the New Temple, the New Israel, the New Covenant.

    Thank you for making this important point. Be well...

    1. Janette: Thank you for your insightful comment. I believe we, as a society, have diluted Jesus' message. We have to repent for this because time is drawing near. Thank you for stopping in. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Cecelia - Did you send me a friend request on Facebook? I thought we were already connected on there. If you didn't send it, your account may have been hacked. Thanks, Susan

  4. Cecelia, Yes, as we draw closer to the "end of the age" there will be many turning away from the true and living God and embracing things rather than the Creator. I have to remind myself of that often. And yet, I live each day thanking our Creator for ALL He has done so lovingly to provide for us all that we need and then some. We are so blessed...why don't others see the truth? Because the gods of this age have blinded them. But soon we shall see Jesus face to face...and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Hallelujah!!!

  5. Hi Cecelia! I do have to remember that Jesus is my King, not just some nice guy that will grant all my wishes, like a genie. I have to see him as he is, in spite of any hard times that come. That's a challenge sometimes!

    I pray that I will become more sure of who Jesus is in my life every day.
    Monday Blessings!

  6. Ceil: As a young person, I heard a song called "Everybody Ought to Know."
    'Everybody ought to know, (repeat twice) who Jesus is. He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and morning star, He's the fairest of ten thousand, everybody ought to know. I don't remember any more of it, But those words come into my heart every so often.

  7. I always appreciate how your journals are full of reflections on God's word and your response to it...I feel like I get to a devotional thought from you each time you share from your's was timely as I just read the same passage in my chronological bible...I got to read it in the various settings from each gospel writer...the question Jesus asks his followers resonates as a personal question for me to journal about...thanks

    1. Thank you,Kel, for the very warm thoughts. May God continue to bless you as you study His Word.

  8. What strikes me sometimes is the fact that all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily in Jesus. And He lives in me! I am complete in Him.

    Such a huge truth to grasp...

    1. Rhonda: Thank you for stopping in. It humbles me to realize that Jesus lives in me. Thank you for your kind words.


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