Monday, November 18, 2013


his is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24


God makes each day distinct from the others.  
He has His own secret recipe for each one. He allows things to happen that he intends to use as a away to draw us closer to Himself.

Our job is to rejoice, to be full of joy that God is in each day, walking beside us. Sometimes God allows something into our lives that we don’t understand or is an action we have to take that hurts us or someone close to us.

I find myself repeating the focus verse every morning as I try to get up for the day. Right now fibro and seesawing temperatures seem to play havoc with my muscles and joints. But once I get my mind set on what the day can be, I am ready to rise and face that day.

When I typed my first draft for this entry, I reflected on a phone call I received. I have friends who are going through a life-changing event. After 30 years, a family-owned small business has to close its doors.  I have known these people for 28 of those years. When the wife called me and told me, she could barely keep from crying. I was able to talk to her about what happened and why our depressed economy is still with us.

This business is located about two blocks from our home. We pass by or near it almost every time we leave our house. I always say a sentence prayer as I pass it. Two men work there—the owner and their son-in-law, both Christian men.  I will continue to pray for them during this time of transition and afterward.

Dear Father God: Thank you for giving me the verse to start my days. Help those who have weighty issues they are working through. Continue to be there for them. I rejoice in the fact that You love us and give us so many gifts to guide us through each day.


  1. Hi Cecelia! I feel so bad for your friend and her family business. Seems like this scene is repeated all over the country. I will be praying for them too.

    Starting your day with a guiding verse is such a great idea. Especially one that guides you to joy. As a gift of the Holy Spirit, joy lets us know that the Spirit is with us, we just have to choose to connect with it.

    I hope you are feeling better soon, my friend.

  2. Ceil: Thank you for your encouraging thoughts. Their one employee, their son- in-law started a new job today. He had worked for them for almost 22 years. The couple have come to terms with this turn of events. I am feeling better right now, thank you,

  3. It is a blessing to see how God's word can sustain us and keep us moving through the day! Thanks for sharing this. :)


    1. Karen:Thank you for your kind thought. God is doing some great things for His children.

  4. I like the idea that God has a secret recipe for each day. Some ingredients are always the same (like peace and joy), but some of them are a surprise. :)

    1. Rhonda:
      Thank you for your warm thoughts. God answers prayer and leads His children each day.

  5. Dear Friend: I love how you decide to focus on joy in spite of your pain, and how you pray for your friends when you pass their business. You are a treasure!

    1. Jeanette: Thank you for your kind thoughts. When I talked to the wife this morning, she told me there is supposed to be an article in the local newspaper about the closing of the business tomorrow.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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