Thursday, December 19, 2013

Catching Up With Susan J. Reinhardt

Susan J. Reinhardt was one of my first blogging friends. She lives in the Keystone State of Pennsylvania.
She has recently had her second book, Scent of Fear, published. She is active in her church, interpreting for the deaf. Her writing has appeared in anthologies, devotional magazines,short articles. Her debut novel, The Moses Conspiracy.

Susan J. Reinhardt's publishing credits include her debut novel, The Moses Conspiracy, as well as devotionals, short articles, and contributions to anthologies. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.You can connect with Susan at her Blog, on Twitter, and Facebook

A widow, daughter, stepmom, and active church member, Susan resides in Pennsylvania. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, couponing, gardening, and finding small treasures in antique shops.

Let's listen as she kindly answers a few questions.
Susan J. Reinhardt’s Interview Scent of Fear

This is your second book. Is this book a sequel, a second installment in a series, or a 'stand-alone' book? Thanks for having me on your blog, Cecelia. The Scent of Fear is the second book in the trilogy, but is a stand-alone novel. Many of the characters from The Moses Conspiracy are in the book.

Your first book, The Moses Conspiracy, started from an idea your late husband gave you after you toured a historical site. How did this story develop? I thought John and Ellie Zimmerman from The Moses Conspiracy would once again star in this book. However, a reader mentioned how much she liked Jim Kenneman. As I began writing, he tapped me on the shoulder and took center stage.

Do you foresee any more stories in this vein? Yes. In fact, I also released a Christmas novella, The Christmas Wish. This book is a peek at an event between The Moses Conspiracy and The Scent of Fear. I took two lesser known characters from the first book and showcased them. The Christmas Wish answers some interesting questions like, "Who is Striker?" (He's the enemy from The Moses Conspiracy.) I'm also working on the third book of the trilogy.

What should we see from you in the future? Since I'm a seat-of-the-pants writer, I don't know. Karen Lange and I have a project on the back burner. Perhaps we'll pick it up again if we can mesh our schedules.

Thank you Susan for stopping in and visiting with us. Tomorrow we will hear about her latest book.


  1. Great to see Susan on your blog Cecelia. She is quite a busy writer, isn't she? The idea of writing a trilogy frightens me ;) Thanks for this short interview, I learned something new: her Christmas novella!

    1. THank you for your kind thoughts, Marja. It is fun to be a part of the blogging community and even more fun to help a fellow blogger get the word out about her book. Thanks for stopping in.

    2. Hi Marja - Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'm already working on the third book. I'd be frightened too if I thought too far ahead. LOL! One book at a time is all I can handle. Blessings, Susan :)

  2. Hi Cecelia -

    Thanks for having me on your blog today. I enjoyed writing The Scent of Fear and The Christmas Wish. Once I finish this trilogy, it's going to be hard to say farewell to these characters.

    I'll stop by later to say, "Hi," to your commenters.

    Susan :)

    1. Susan,I wish you well as you journey on through the writing life.May God lead you into greater things.

  3. Hi Susan and Cecelia! What a fun interview! It's always great to meet authors, and Susan is a very successful one. It's interesting how she said one of her characters 'tapped her on the shoulder'. What a fun image :)

    I am a blog-friend of Karen's too, so how lovely that these two authors might have something together someday. Looking forward to researching these two books!

    Merry Christmas to you both, and a happy, healthy New Year!

    1. Ceil; I thank you for your kind comment. Sometimes our characters take on a mind of their own. Merry Christmas to you and yours,

    2. Hi Ceil - I kept trying to start the book with the Zimmerman family, but I couldn't get Jim and the reader's comment out of my mind. Readers can influence an author! Blessings, Susan :)

  4. Susan and Cecelia, thanks for sharing the interview! I enjoyed it. I also enjoyed reading The Scent of Fear. It's another winner to Susan's credit!

    1. I thank you, Karen, for your cheering Susan on. I know she's thankful that she has been blessed by God in this way.

    2. Hi Karen -

      Cecelia asked some great questions, didn't she? I'm grateful for all the bloggers, who share their corner of the blogosphere with me.

      Susan :)

  5. Great interview. So excited and happy for Susan and all that God has in store for her.

    1. Diane: It is fun to watch as Susan progresses into the writer's world. She has so much to offer,

    2. Hi Diane -

      I can't wait to see what happens in the third book, Out of the Mist. I'm getting little ideas here and there. :)



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