Friday, December 6, 2013

“Waiting Patiently” RJD Dec. 2013

Journal entry December 29, 2003

“But if we hope for what we do not yet have,
we wait for it patiently.”
 Romans 8:25
Waiting is a skill I had to learn. As a child and even as a young adult I didn’t like waiting. Time seemed to slow down; every minute seemed like an hour.

I learned a trick about waiting in a doctor’s waiting room. I learned to take a book or even my Bible, or take a magazine from home to read. I sometimes check out the publications in that waiting room. Other times, I carry the newspaper and work the crossword puzzle. I try anything to occupy my mind and keep me from worrying about my having to wait.

In life, I have found I have to wait for things. But I have decided there is a reason that I have to go through this. Certain times, I have to wait because I am not ready or the time isn’t right. Sometimes I am too anxious. Other time, I need some help from someone else and I have to defer to his or her schedule.

Now the issue is not about just waiting; it’s about waiting patiently. Sometimes, I feel these two terms are locked together. In order to wait successfully, I believe we have to exercise patience. I have seen impatience enter a person’s attitude while he or she has to wait and the outcome is not attractive.

As I write these words, I am waiting for several long-standing issues to be resolved. Most of these involve me indirectly; all of these include other people and their lives. All I can do is pray about these needs and for those people.


I can’t believe that I wrote these words ten years ago. I am thankful to God that I am not the same person that penned them. I sit here in early December, contemplating my plans for this week. It’s tech week for our Christmas play and we have a lot of work to do to polish our performance. I had to tell Hubby I would Christmas shop for our son next week. We have to get son’s package in the mail. And I need to get some housework done and our little tree set up. I have to approach these things in an orderly fashion or I will not handle things very well.

 I realize that God isn’t through with me yet. I have still have a lot to learn about being patient.

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  1. Ha! I love when you say that impatience is not attractive, oh yes- I so agree. In myself and others, in various degrees, it is UGLY! But you are ever so cracious Cecelia! I am still learning, too. A wonderful and affirming reminder. SO appreciate you being ready to go with a journal share this month. Well, best wishes with all of those "plans" and the play- I am sure you will get it all His time! Love and hugs, Dawn

    1. I enjoy going back and reading those thoughts of 'back in the day.' I find I have grown from then and I discover how God has worked in my life and has taken care of certain issues I have had.

  2. You'll have to wait for my answer! Just kidding. I love this...waiting Patiently is never easy for any of us. I like instant answers...but God rarely ever gives them. I've been learning that waiting on God always has its own rewards...sooner or later. It just takes faith knowing that God is always working on our behalf, whether we can see it or not. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us today.

    1. We like instant answer because we live in a world of microwaves and the fast food restaurant, God has reasons for making us wait for our requests to be answered. I love your comment about It takes faith to wait patiently.

  3. I know exactly what you mean: even as I learn about Kingdom qualities (especially patience!), years later I can read my own words about it and realize how far I STILL have to go.

    1. I love the saying (and song) "God's still working on me."

  4. Hi, Cecelia:

    You go that right--we not only have to learn to wait, but wait patiently! It brings us comfort to remember that we're on God's schedule, right?

    There is a direction I very much plan for my life to take but have to wait to walk down that path. I have to wait until the time is right not just for me, but for others in my family who depend on me and who'd be greatly affected (negatively) if I don't wait patiently for the timing to be right in their lives first. When I remember that my choices affect those I love, it helps me to wait patiently for the right time to make certain choices.

    Thank you for this post. You always have a way of speaking to your readers' hearts! Be well.

    1. Janette: Thank you for your kind words. Yes, we all have to consider our families in our plans. I used to stop trying to write when I had to take care of my dad and stepmother when they were still with us. It will soon be 14 years ago that I had to tell God, "Lord, this is my life right now." I didn't feel I had cheated God when I had to give up a position in our then-church. I didn't feel I was neglecting my husband and our son when I had to do something for my dad, his wife, or our cousin. (Yes, at one time, I had responsibilities taking care of three senior citizens.)

  5. Thanks for this encouraging post...isn't it great to see how we've changed over the years through God's love and grace! I like what you said that the waiting may be for a reason: "Certain times, I have to wait because I am not ready or the time isn’t right." God knows when we're ready and His timing is always just right! Hope your play goes well!

    1. Kel: Thank you for stopping in. I always enjoy hearing your thoughts. God also know what we need. I have a decision to make very soon that might, if I decide to do something, will place me in a role of working with more people in a leadership capacity. I have to consider my husband, our health, and my time in this decision.

  6. I think most of us have problems with being patient. Since I'm on a tight schedule, waiting is a real test for me. Like you, I carry a book or something writing related. It makes me feel like I'm not wasting my time.

    1. Susan: Thank you for stopping by. I have had times when I wish I could speed up the process but, then I'd be doing God's work and we know He doesn't need any help.

  7. Ugh, I am in a waiting season right now and I am not doing it well at all! Thanks for this sweet reminder Cecelia. Susie

    1. Susie: I believe all of us are in a waiting season about something. I know I am.


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