Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Seek Him Wholeheartedly

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

God told Jeremiah to deliver a letter to those Judeans exiled in Babylon. God has told them they would be in bondage for 70 year.

He told them that He had plans-good ones- for them. Two verses later the Lord speaks of what the Judean people would have to do in order to seek Him. Those exiled could seek Him only if they sought God with all their hearts. How else can we find God?

When someone seeks to have God in his or her life, that person has to sincerely ask Him into his or heart. Sincere comes from the Latin language and means “without wax’. When we have a sincere heart, we have no pretense of who we are. It does us no good to pretend, before God, we are something not in our personas. When we sincerely come to Christ, all the masks disappear and God can then work in our hearts and make us in to what He desires for us.

Even when we don’t understand the situation that we are led to pray about, we should admit it to God. It helps us to focus on what He will tell us or even show us what we need to know. I, personally, have found myself doing this several times, lately. In those instances, I have had to let God be God.


  1. Hi Cecelia! I just posted a comment, I wonder if you got it?
    I apologize for the double if you did.
    I do think that Jesus wants all of us. He'll take less if that's all I can do, but I owe him everything. An exiled heart means I am away from him and that isn't good!
    I love that you 'let God be God.' I need to work on that. I want to be more like you, and less of thinking that I can do everything. So silly!
    PS Love being connected through FB and TW!

    1. Ceil:Thank you, for your kind words, Last May, I started a 1000 Gift list. I made it through December 2013 and had over 600. I started over on New Year's Day. Ann Voskamp started doing thisand found she came closer to God when she thanked Him for everything,even the hard things.

  2. I feel that people can try to pretend with God but He always knows what's in our heart, mind and souls.

    1. Elsie: Thank you for your kind thought,You are so right. God knows when we are marginally honest with Him.

  3. It's true that we have to do our part in our relationship with God. I've heard people say that if God does x or y for them, "then" they'll believe in Him. I've tried to reason with these people and tell them that testing God in such a way or putting a condition on their faith only hurts them, but my words are in vain. I pray that when these people I know are ready to wholeheartedly and humbly seek God, without demands or conditions, they will find what they are looking for.

    I like the image you chose to go along with this post. Be well...

    1. Janette: Thank you for your thoughts and kind words.
      We had a relative who went through a divorce. She fell away from God and no longer considered herself a Christian. When my hubby found the Lord, he started talking about her need to get right with Him. She said, "I will, when God brings a man into my life." God won out, She came back to Him but he never brought a man to her.


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